Papers by the materials community in the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

AABCSeven scientific articles on topics in the area of materials are part of the latest volume of the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (AABC). This is the result of the AABC call for articles in 2018, made in partnership with B-MRS, with the theme “Materials Sciences for a Better Future”. “This was a great opportunity to celebrate the success of materials research in Brazil,” says Professor Frank Crespilho, associate editor of AABC. To participate in the call, the authors submitted their work through the journal’s website at SciELO (an electronic library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals).

AABC publishes scientific articles from all fields of knowledge, and Materials Science and Technology works are welcome in all editions. AABC publications are free of cost to authors and open access. More information for authors can be found at

According to the president of B-MRS, Professor Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior, the growing importance of materials research has been revealed in major technological advances in all areas. In this context, B-MRS has played the role of bringing together students and researchers from Brazil, and their collaborators from other countries. “The partnership with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences is an important milestone of this performance of B-MRS, consolidated with this series of articles published in the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences,” says the president of B-MRS. “The quality of the articles and variety of topics in this edition of the Annals are representative of the strength of the materials research community in Brazil,” he adds.

Published articles can be accessed free of charge (open access) in volume 91, number 4 of the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Following is the list of articles on topics in the area of Materials published in this issue of the magazine:

The Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (AABC) in partnership with the Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS) will launch the special volume “Materials Sciences for a Better Future”.

aabc-sbpmatAccording to the editor, Frank Crespilho, professor at the São Carlos Institute of Chemistry (IQSC) at the University of São Paulo (USP) and a B-MRS member, this is a great opportunity to celebrate the success of Brazilian research in the area of Materials. Crespilho adds that the theme of the special event is in tune with the title of the memorial lecture that professor Fernando Galembeck will deliver at the XVII B-MRS Meeting, an event to be held at Praiamar Natal Hotel in Natal (Brazil), from September 16 to 20 of 2018. Furthermore, this special volume is part of the continuation of the centenary celebrations of the Academy.

SBPMat members and other researchers are invited to submit their full original works through the SciELO journal’s website, from August 9 to November 9, 2018, indicating in the submission and Cover Letter their participation in the special volume.

AABC publications have no cost to authors and can be accessed freely. The AABC have been engaged in the publication of special volumes, covering all areas of science. Recently, the journal has published articles for the special “Brazil: Frontiers of Chemical Sciences,” which can be freely accessed at:

Diretor e ex-presidente da SBPMat é eleito membro titular da Academia Brasileira de Ciências.

O professor Fernando Lázaro Freire Júnior, eleito membro titular da ABC.

A Assembleia Geral da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (ABC) elegeu, no dia 18 de dezembro, 24 cientistas para integrar seus quadros como membros titulares.

Entre eles figura o diretor financeiro da nossa SBPMat, o professor Fernando Lázaro Freire Júnior (PUC-Rio), eleito na área de Ciências Físicas. O professor Fernando Lázaro foi presidente da SBPMat por dois mandatos consecutivos, de 2006 a 2009. Também foi membro da diretoria fundadora que conduziu a sociedade entre 2001 e 2003 e diretor científico de 2004 a 2005.

A ABC também elegeu, nesta oportunidade, um membro colaborador, seis membros correspondentes e 29 afiliados eleitos para o período 2014 – 2018.

Veja aqui notícia no site da ABC com a lista completa dos membros eleitos neste ano:

Presidente e ex-presidentes da SBPMat são eleitos Membros Titulares da Academia Brasileira de Ciências.

A Assembleia Geral da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (ABC) elegeu 36 cientistas de excelência para integrar seus quadros como Membros Titulares e Membros Correspondentes. A cerimônia de posse ocorrerá no dia 7 de maio de 2013.

Entre os membros titulares eleitos, há três presidentes da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais (SBPMat): Roberto Mendonça Faria (USP), que é o presidente atual; José Arana Varela (Unesp), presidente de 2010 a 2011, e Elson Longo da Silva (Unesp), que presidiu a sociedade de 2004 a 2005. Os dois primeiros foram eleitos na área de Ciências Físicas e o terceiro, em Ciências Químicas.

Os novos membros da ABC foram eleitos em um processo de indicação e avaliação por pares que envolveu os membros titulares da academia.

Veja aqui notícia no site a ABC com a lista completa dos membros eleitos neste ano.

A partir da esquerda: Roberto Mendonça Faria, José Arana Varela e Elson Longo da Silva.