B-MRS Newsletter. Year 11, issue 6.



Year 11, issue 6. July 2nd, 2024.

Papers and patents by the community


Photoluminescent nanoparticles can play a crucial role in diagnostic imaging methods used in medicine due to their ability to emit light inside living organisms and cells. They can also be used in theranostic medicine, which combines diagnosis and treatment in the same procedure. In this recently published article, a group of researchers from IFSC-USP and UFSCar presents new photoluminescent and biocompatible nanoparticles, made from carbonated calcium phosphate and functionalized with citrate. Using simple, low-cost methods, the team was able to optimize the luminescence of these nanoparticles, in addition to increasing their stability. The work highlights the potential of this material for bioimaging and theranostics. Access the paper.


This paper reports an innovative approach to degrading the glyphosate molecule – a herbicide widely used in agriculture, which ends up polluting water and soil. In this proposal, glyphosate powers a fuel cell based on a photoanode that captures sunlight and promotes spontaneous reactions capable of degrading the molecule and, at the same time, generating electricity. The authors of the work, researchers from UFMS and LNNano-CNPEM, carefully developed the photoanode materials in order to increase their efficiency. Access the paper.


In this article, a multidisciplinary team of researchers from Unesp, Unicamp and PUC-Rio presents an new antenna for satellite communication with better performance than conventional ones. The team developed an innovative design based on mathematical models and was able to manufacture it thanks to the use of metal additive manufacturing. The authors made adjustments to the design of the classic helical antenna, invented in the 1940s. By proposing wires with variable diameters throughout the antenna, they managed to bring together the main advantages of thick-wire and thin-wire antennas. Additive manufacturing was essential to enable the precise manufacturing of a device with complex geometry using high-quality steel. Access the paper.

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Recently granted to UFRN by the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), this letter patent protects the invention of a material with high sensitivity to deformation that could be used as a touch sensor. The technology is based on the use of magnetostrictive films, which change their magnetic properties when subjected to some degree of deformation. To maximize the effect, the authors carried out a detailed study to transfer these properties, already well studied in rigid substrates such as glass, to flexible substrates. Using the magnetron sputtering technique, they deposited nanostructures based on cobalt alloys on flexible polymeric substrates. The material obtained allows controlling the level of sensitivity through external magnetic fields and variations in the frequency of electrical current. This possibility may be interesting for technological applications, such as, for example, touch systems on car steering wheels, where sensitivity control must be rigorous to avoid accidents.


– B-MRS signs a letter to Brazilian federal science agencies CNPq and Capes asking for resources for mobility of students from institutions in Rio Grande do Sul affected by the climate catastrophe, so that they can continue their research in other institutions in the country, if they wish. Read the letter.



Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN), former administrative director of B-MRS, joined the body of associate editors of Ceramics International, Elsevier’s prestigious magazine dedicated to advanced ceramic materials. Muccillo’s trajectory in this area of ​​research has international prominence, including his election as a member of the World Academy of Ceramics and awards from the American Ceramic Society. We wish our member success in this new assignment!

XXII B-MRS Meeting
Santos (SP), September 29 to October 3, 2024

santos 24

Next important date. Extended abstracts to compete for event prizes and awards must be sent by July 10th. Know more.

Accommodation. The hotels that offer a special discount to participants of the XXII B-MRS Meeting are listed on the event website. By clicking on the links, the promotional values ​​are accessed. Check here.

Plenary talks. Seven internationally renowned scientists, from universities and companies in Brazil, Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom and Singapore, will speak about scientific topics of broad interest. The Memorial Lecture Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro will be given by Prof. Marília Junqueira Caldas (USP) and the José Arana Varela Award Lecture, by Prof. Bluma Guenther Soares (UFRJ). Know more.

Student awards and prizes. The B-MRS Bernhard Gross Awards will recognize the best poster and best oral presentation by undergraduate and postgraduate students at each symposium. Among the finalists, the works with the best evaluations will receive cash prizes from scientific publishers ACS and RSC. To compete for the prizes it is necessary to submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Early career woman researcher prize. The B-MRS Young Researcher Award will recognize the best oral presentation of the entire event made by a woman who defended her doctorate between 2015 and 2024. The winner will receive a cash prize from the scientific publisher MDPI. To compete, you must submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Registration. The registration fee for the event is available for the different categories and conditions. The early registration discount for all categories ends on August 10th. See registration fees.

Exhibitors. 31 companies and startups have already confirmed their participation in our booth exhibition. Meet the exhibitors. Organizations interested in the exhibition and other forms of sponsorship can contact comercial@sbpmat.org.br.

Venue. The event location is the Blue Med Convention Center in the city of Santos. More information about the city and the convention center.

Chairs. The general coordinators of the event are Prof. Laura Oliveira Péres, from the Department of Chemistry at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), and Prof. Lucas Fugikawa Santos, from the Physics Department of the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp).


– The submission of scientific articles for a special edition of a new IOP magazine on science and technology for sustainability is open until October 31st. The issue is dedicated to solutions for Latin America and has two B-MRS members as guest editors: Ana Flavia Nogueira (Unicamp) and Caue Ribeiro (Embrapa). The publication will be open access and free of charge. Know more.

– Alexander von Humboldt Foundation + CAPES program offers scholarships for scientific visits to Germany for recent doctors or experienced researchers. Know more

Upcoming events

– 17th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 2024). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). July 1-5, 2024. Website.

– 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil). July 21 to 26, 2024. Website.

– 24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar EnergS-24y (IP). Hiroshima (Japan). July 28 to August 2, 2024. Website.

– VI Escola de Inverno em Física Aplicada à Medicina e Biologia (EIFAMB). Ribeirão Preto (SP, Brazil). July 29 to August 2, 2024. Website.

– 4th Workshop on Coated Tools & Multifunctional Thin Films. Campinas (SP, Brazil). August 19 to 23, 2024. Website.

– XIV Rietveld Method Course. Fortaleza (CE, Brazil). August 26 to 30, 2024. Website.

– III Simpósio Multidisciplinar em Materiais do Centro-Oeste (SMMCO). Caldas Novas (GO, Brazil). August 26 to 28, 2024. Website.

– 19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024). Erfurt (Germany). September 2nd to 5th, 2024. Website.

– VI Latin American Crystallographic Association Meeting. Montevideo (Uruguay). September 23-26, 2024 Website.

– XXII B-MRS Meeting. Santos (SP, Brazil). September 29 to October 3, 2024. Website.

– VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (CIPOA). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). October 7th to 11th, 2024. Website.

– São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques. Campinas (SP, Brazil). October 14-25, 2024. Website.

– Biomaterials and Novel Technologies for Healthcare (4th BioMAH). Rome (Italy) October 15 to 18, 2024. Website.

– 8th International Workshop on Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses. Tóquio (Japan). October 27 to 30, 2024.Website.

– XXIII B-MRS Meeting. Salvador (BA, Brazil). September 28 to October 2, 2025. SAVE THE DATE!


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Sugestão de apoio emergencial aos pós-graduandos do Rio Grande do Sul.


Excelentíssimo Professor Ricardo Galvão, Presidente do CNPq.
Excelentíssima Professora Denise Pires de Carvalho, Presidente da CAPES.

Em virtude da situação de calamidade enfrentada pelo Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, os Comitês de Assessoramento de Química e Física/Astronomia do CNPq vêm, por meio desta, propor ao CNPq e à CAPES, como mais uma ação de solidariedade para com as Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa que tiveram seus laboratórios e infraestrutura de ensino e pesquisa afetados pela recente catástrofe climática que se abateu sobre aquele estado, um apoio emergencial aos pós-graduandos das instituições apoiadas pelo sistema CNPq e CAPES. Propomos, então, uma iniciativa que vise a apoiar os estudantes de pós-graduação (PG) de todas as áreas do conhecimento das instituições gaúchas, para realizarem – quando necessário e desejável – seus trabalhos experimentais e computacionais em outras instituições do sistema de PG do País. Para tanto, pedimos que CNPq e CAPES destinem recursos para a mobilidade dos estudantes, de modo que possam dar continuidade à sua pesquisa de mestrado/doutorado em outros laboratórios. Detalhes da formatação desta ação emergencial poderão ser discutidos em reunião específica sob a coordenação do CNPq e CAPES.

Como exemplo de uma forma de operacionalizar esta proposta, as agencias de fomento (CNPq e Capes) poderiam abrir um edital simplificado emergencial de mobilidade e disponibilizar um formulário eletrônico, para cadastro dos laboratórios interessados em participar dessa ação recebendo estudantes. É importante ressaltar que, ao se cadastrarem, os laboratórios oferecerão sua estrutura para os/as estudantes durante o período em que estes/as estiverem envolvidos/as em suas atividades. Adicionalmente, os/as estudantes deveriam manifestar seu interesse em ser acolhido em determinado laboratório, com a devida anuência de seus/suas orientadores/as e do supervisor local que receberá. Para otimizar este processo, sugerimos ainda que que os/as candidatos/as indiquem até três laboratórios, dentre os cadastrados, onde possam vir a desenvolver suas atividades, para maior flexibilidade.

Esperamos poder contar com a sensibilidade e apoio das ilustres presidências do CNPq e da CAPES, e agradecemos antecipadamente pela atenção dispensada a esta solicitação.

Essa iniciativa conta com o apoio, além dos membros dos CA’s, das entidades cujos dirigentes esta subscrevem.

Em 10 de junho de 2024.



Severino Alves Júnior, membro do CA- Química, CNPq,

Monica Cotta, membro do CA Física/Astronomia, CNPQ,

Helena Nader, Presidente Academia Brasileira de Ciências,

Renato Janine Ribeiro, Presidente Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência,

Anderson Gomes, Presidente da Academia Pernambucana de Ciências,

Ivan Bechtold, Presidente da SBPMat.

B-MRS Newsletter. Year 11, issue 5.



Year 11, issue 5. June 4th, 2024.

Papers and books by the community

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Liquid crystals bring together fluidity and molecular order, making them very interesting for various technologies. In this work, the authors demonstrated for the first time that a liquid crystal based on the organic compound perylene has the potential to store and process information through switching between “on” and “off” states based on the resistivity of the material (the degree of resistance that it offers to the passage of electricity). The liquid crystal showed a very good ability to “write-read-erase-read” information. Carried out by researchers from Brazilian institutions UFSC, FURB and IFSC-USP and collaborators from Canada, France and Poland, this study opens up possibilities for producing low-cost organic memories. Access the paper.


This book, written in Portuguese, is for everyone who works in the field of welding or is interested in the subject. The author, Prof. Jair Carlos Dutra, is the founder and researcher at the Institute of Welding and Mechatronics – LABSOLDA at UFSC. Based on decades of experience in science, technology and innovation in the area, the book discusses in detail and, in some cases, questions concepts about welding processes and their applications. Access the book.


Transistors made from organic materials are increasingly being used in promising devices for health and environmental areas. However, the technique most used to date to characterize them, electrochemical impedance, is not the most appropriate. In this article, researchers from IFSC-USP show why this method is not the most accurate and what would be the best alternative for measuring volumetric capacitance (the amount of electrical charges that can be stored in a given volume) in organic transistors. Access the paper.

XXII B-MRS Meeting
Santos (SP), September 29th to October 3rd, 2024

santos 24

Upcoming important dates. The deadline to submit revised abstracts is June 14. Submission of extended abstract for Student and Woman Awards is open by July 10.

Plenary talks. Six internationally renowned scientists, from universities and companies in Brazil, Canada, Italy, Singapore and UK will speak about scientific topics of broad interest. Know more.

Student awards. The Bernhard Gross Award will recognize the best poster and best oral presentation by undergraduate and postgraduate students at each symposium. Among the finalists, the works with the best evaluations will receive cash prizes from scientific publishers ACS and RSC. To compete for the awards and prizes it is necessary to submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Early career woman researcher prize. This award will recognize the best oral presentation of the entire event made by a woman who defended her PhD between 2015 and 2024. The winner will receive a cash prize from the scientific publisher MDPI. To compete, it is mandatory to submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Registration. The registration fee for the event is available for the different categories and conditions. See registration fees.

Exhibitors. 27 companies and startups have already confirmed their participation in our booth exhibition. Check the exhibitors. Organizations interested in the exhibition and other forms of sponsorship can contact comercial@sbpmat.org.br.

Venue. The event location is the Blue Med Convention Center in the city of Santos. More information about the city and the convention center.

Chairs. The general chairs of the event are Prof. Laura Oliveira Péres, from the Department of Chemistry at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), and Prof. Lucas Fugikawa Santos, from the Physics Department of the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp).


– Submission of scientific articles is open until October 31st for a focus isuue of a new IOP journal on science and technology for sustainability. The issue is dedicated to sustainability solutions in Latin America and features two B-MRS members as guest editors: Ana Flavia Nogueira (Unicamp) and Caue Ribeiro (Embrapa). The publication will be open access and free of charge. Know more.

– Alexander von Humboldt Foundation + CAPES program offers scholarships for scientific visits to Germany for both early career and experienced researchers. Know more.

To follow opportunities in the area, enter the B-MRS group on Linkedin.

Upcoming events

6th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS). Wuzhen (China). June 17th to 20th, 2024. Website.

20th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2024). Barcelona (​​Spain). June 24th to 28th, 2024. Website.

17th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 2024). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). July 1-5, 2024. Website.

29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil). July 21 to 26, 2024. Website.

24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-24). Hiroshima (Japan). July 28 to August 2, 2024. Website.

VI Escola de Inverno em Física Aplicada à Medicina e Biologia (EIFAMB). Ribeirão Preto (SP). July 29 to August 2, 2024. Website.

4th Workshop on Coated Tools & Multifunctional Thin Films. Campinas (SP, Brazil). August 19 to 23, 2024. Website.

III Simpósio Multidisciplinar em Materiais do Centro-Oeste (SMMCO). Caldas Novas (GO, Brazil). August 26 to 28, 2024. Website.

19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024). Erfurt (Germany). September 2nd to 5th, 2024. Website.

– VI Latin American Crystallographic Association Meeting. Montevideo (Uruguay). September 23-26, 2024. Website.

XXII B-MRS Meeting. Santos (SP, Brazil). September 29 to October 3, 2024. Website.

VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (CIPOA). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). October 7th to 11th, 2024. Website.

– São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques. Campinas (SP, Brazil). October 14-25, 2024. Website.

– Biomaterials and Novel Technologies for Healthcare (4th BioMAH). Rome (Italy) October 15 to 18, 2024.Website.

– 8th International Workshop on Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses. Tokyo (Japan). October 27-30, 2024. Website.

– XXIII B-MRS Meeting. Salvador (BA, Brazil). September 28 to October 2, 2025. SAVE THE DATE!


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Nota de solidariedade ao povo do RS.

A Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais (SBPMat) manifesta solidariedade à população do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul atingida por esta catástrofe climática. Muito além de bens materiais, foram vidas e histórias perdidas.

Também manifesta sua solidariedade aos pesquisadores e pesquisadoras do RS. A comunidade científica do RS é uma força nacional no desenvolvimento científico do Brasil, em especial na área de Materiais, com grandes contribuições para a SBPMat.

Ivan H Bechtold
Presidente da SBPMat

Nota de apoio à Fapesp.

Rio de Janeiro, 09 de maio de 2024


A Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais (SBPMat) manifesta preocupação com a proposta de corte de 30% no orçamento da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) para o ano de 2025.

As instituições de ensino e pesquisa do estado de São Paulo são responsáveis por grande parte do conhecimento científico gerado no Brasil, em especial na área de materiais, e contribuem com a formação qualificada de pesquisadores para atuarem na academia, no mercado de trabalho e para empreender.

A FAPESP tem um papel central no financiamento destas atividades e a redução de 30% dos recursos comprometerá significativamente este processo, sendo um retrocesso não apenas para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do país, mas para a sociedade em geral por ele beneficiado.

O engajamento de todos os setores da sociedade é fundamental para alertar os parlamentares da Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo, a fim de impedir que isso aconteça.

 Ivan H Bechtold

Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais – SBPMat

B-MRS Newsletter. Year 11, issue 4.



Year 11, issue 4. May 3rd, 2024.

B-MRS Awards: early career woman scientist

The B-MRS board of directors announces with great joy the launch of the B-MRS Early Career Woman Prize, which will recognize the best work presented in an oral session by a woman at the beginning of her career within the society’s annual event, the B-MRS Meeting. In its first edition, the award will be sponsored by the publisher MDPI. Know more.

Community consultation: plenary speakers for 2025

The organizing committee of the XXIII B-MRS Meeting, which will be held in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) from October 28th to November 2nd, 2025, invites the scientific community to send suggestions for speakers for the plenary sessions. Suggestions must be sent through an open form until May 20th this year. Know more.

Papers and books by the community


Trying to contribute to the success of crime investigation, this work proposes a new, fast and low-cost method to reveal latent fingerprints on metal surfaces such as coins and keys. Based on the electrochemical deposition of silver nanoparticles, the method was effective in situations where conventional processes have limitations: aged fingerprints and wet/ colored / different textured surfaces. The nanoparticles are deposited in the regions of the metal that do not have residue left by the finger, thus forming a negative image of the fingerprint, with high contrast. The work was led by researchers from UFAL and had the participation of the Federal Police and authors from IFAL and the University of Leicester (United Kingdom). Access the paper.

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By being able to produce nanoscale fibers with unique architectures, the electrospinning technique has enabled the development of various materials, with applications in sectors such as health, food, energy and photonics. In this book in Portuguese, which can be downloaded or read online free of charge, two young researchers in the field, Luiza Amim Mercante (professor at UFBA) and Daniel Souza Correa (researcher at Embrapa Instrumentação), bring together 19 chapters on various aspects of electrospinning, all written by authors from Brazilian institutions. Access the book.

XXII B-MRS Meeting
Santos (SP), September 29th to October 3rd, 2024

santos 24

We received more than 2,200 submissions!

Next important date. Notifications of approval, modification or rejection of the abstracts will be sent on May 31st.

Awards for students. The Bernhard Gross Award will recognize the best poster and best oral presentation by undergraduate and postgraduate students at each symposium. Among the finalists, the works with the best evaluations will receive cash prizes from scientific publishers ACS and RSC. To compete for the awards and prizes it is necessary to submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Award for young woman researcher. The B-MRS Early Career Woman Prize will recognize the best oral presentation of the entire event made by a woman who defended her doctorate between 2015 and 2024. The winner will receive a cash prize from the scientific publisher MDPI. To compete, you must submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Registration. The registration fee for the event is available for the different categories and conditions. See registration fees.

Exhibitors. 19 companies and startups have already confirmed their participation in our booth exhibition. Meet the exhibitors. Organizations interested in the exhibition and other forms of sponsorship can contact comercial@sbpmat.org.br.

Venue. The event location is the Blue Med Convention Center in the city of Santos. More information about the city and the convention center.

Chairs. The general chairs of the event are Prof. Laura Oliveira Péres, from the Department of Chemistry at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), and Prof. Lucas Fugikawa Santos, from the Physics Department of the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp).



Prof. Edgar Zanotto (UFSCar) was awarded an important recognition in the area of glass materials, the Varshneya Frontiers of Glass Science Lecture. This lecture is awarded annually by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) to a scientist who has made exceptional contributions to the advancement of glassy materials science. Zanotto is the first recipient from Latin America. The lecture will be held in May this year in Las Vegas, at the Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting. On this occasion, the scientist will talk about the nucleation of crystals in glass and supercooled liquids.


– New call from Fapesp (São Paulo) and M-ERA NET (European Union) will support ambitious transnational research and development projects in the area of materials. Pre-proposals must be sent by May 14th. Know more.

To follow opportunities in the area, join the B-MRS group on Linkedin.

Upcoming events

IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil). May 5th to 10th, 2024. Website.

50th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2024). San Diego (USA). May 19 to 24, 2024. Website.

101st IUVSTA workshop on high performance SIMS instrumentation and machine learning / artificial intelligence methods for complex data. Maresias (SP, Brazil). May 19 to 24, 2024. Website.

I International Workshop on Applied Biosensing + IEEE Women in Sensors Day. Joinville (SC, Brazil). June 3-6, 2024. Website.

6th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS). Wuzhen (China). June 17th to 20th, 2024. Website.

17th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 2024). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). July 1-5, 2024. Website.

29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil). July 21 to 26, 2024. Website.

24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-24). Hiroshima (Japan). July 28 to August 2, 2024. Website.

4th Workshop on Coated Tools & Multifunctional Thin Films. Campinas (SP, Brazil). August 19 to 23, 2024. Website.

19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024). Erfurt (Germany). September 2nd to 5th, 2024. Website.

XXII B-MRS Meeting. Santos (SP, Brazil). September 29 to October 3, 2024. Website.

VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (CIPOA). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). October 7th to 11th, 2024. Website.

São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques. Campinas (SP, Brazil). October 14-25, 2024. Website.

– 8th International Workshop on Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses. Tokyo (Japan). October 27-30, 2024. Website.


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B-MRS invites the community to suggest plenary speakers for the 2025 event.

The organizing committee of the XXIII B-MRS Meeting, which will be held in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) from October 28 to November 2, 2025, invites the scientific community to send suggestions for speakers for the plenary sessions.

Plenary lectures should interest a broad audience, with different levels of training and thematic specialties. Scientists are expected to be renowned researchers at an international level, capable of giving a motivational talk that addresses the advances achieved over time in their research topic, in addition to discussing challenges and prospects for the future.

The XXIII B-MRS Meeting is chaired by Luiza Amim Mercante, from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and Daniel Souza Correa, from Embrapa Instrumentação (São Carlos/SP).

Suggestions must be sent by May 20th this year through this Google form.


B-MRS launches award for early career women scientists.

With great joy, the B-MRS board announces the launch of the B-MRS Early Career Women Scientist Prize, which will recognize the best contribution presented by a female scientist at the beginning of her career within the society’s annual event, the B-MRS Meeting. This year, the event will be held in Santos (SP) from September 29th to October 3rd.

In its first edition, the prize will be sponsored by the publisher MDPI.

Women who have defended their doctorate between 2015 and 2024 can apply for the award. Candidates must submit an extended abstract, prepared according to the template available on the event website and, during the event, they must make an oral presentation of the work at the respective symposium. To submit the extended abstract, candidates must have received notification of approval of the conventional abstract.

To select the winner, the organizers of each symposium will nominate up to one candidate, following criteria defined by the B-MRS Awards Committee. From this list of finalists, the Early Career Women Scientist Prize committee will choose the winner, who will receive an amount in reais equivalent to 500 Swiss francs and the opportunity to publish a paper free of charge in the open access journal Electronic Materials (MDPI) after peer review. The prize will only be awarded if the winner is present at the ceremony.

The winner of the first edition of the award will be announced at the XXII B-MRS Meeting awards ceremony, which will be held on October 3rd this year, at the end of the event. The prize will only be awarded if the winner is present at the ceremony.

The deadline for submitting the extended abstract is July 10th.

B-MRS Newsletter. Year 11, issue 3.


To view in browser, click here.


Year 11, issue 3. April 2nd, 2024.

Papers by the community


In this work, a team of researchers from USP, UFSCar and UFPI, together with their collaborators from abroad, compared, for the first time, the effects of conventional sintering and flash sintering on the hydroxyapatite-zirconia composite, a material that can be used, for example, in implants, bone regeneration and dental restoration. The team analyzed the changes that occur in the composite during sintering. The results revealed major differences in the microstructure of the material obtained by the two techniques and demonstrated that flash sintering is promising for generating specific structures without the need for other elements such as catalysts. Access the scientific article.


Due to their ability to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa, piezoelectric materials can be fundamental components of various sensors and other electronic devices. And more. In the form of thin films, they can be part of flexible electronic devices, which are increasingly used. In this review article, researchers from Mackenzie and ITA present a comprehensive and up-to-date look at the potential of piezoelectric thin films for building flexible devices and sensors. One of the focuses of the article is the use of sputtering in the synthesis of these films – a technique whose advances currently allow optimizing the composition, structure and performance of piezoelectric films. Go to the review paper.

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Seeking alternatives to the use of antibiotics in agriculture is important to reduce the presence of these drugs in the environment and to contain the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In this work, researchers from IFSC and IQSC at USP bring a contribution from nanotechnology and biotechnology to alternative methods against bacteria in agriculture. The authors studied a complex formed by silver nanoparticles (known for their antimicrobial effect) and endolysin (a protein capable of recognizing certain bacteria and breaking their cell walls). The research confirmed that the complex of nanoparticles and endolysin is capable of eliminating bacteria present in agriculture more efficiently than each of the components separately. Go to the paper.

XXII B-MRS Meeting
Santos (SP), September 29th to October 3rd, 2024

santos 24

Abstract submission The abstract submission deadline for oral and poster presentation is April 8th. ​See our submission guidelines.

Symposia. 28 thematic symposia organized by more than 100 researchers from 17 countries make up the XXII B-MRS Meeting, covering the most diverse topics in materials research. See the list of symposia.

Registration. The registration fees for the event are available for the different categories and conditions. See registration fees.

Exhibitors. 19 companies and startups have already confirmed their participation in our booth exhibition. Meet the exhibitors. Organizations interested in the exhibition and other forms of sponsorship can contact comercial@sbpmat.org.br.

Venue. The event location is the Blue Med Convention Center in the city of Santos. See more information about the city and the convention center.

Chairs. The general coordinators of the event are Prof. Laura Oliveira Péres, from the Department of Chemistry at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), and Prof. Lucas Fugikawa Santos, from the Physics Department of the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp).



On March 13, Prof Cid de Araújo (UFPE), a B-MRS member, received an award from the National Council of State Research Foundations (CONFAP) for his contributions to the production of knowledge and the development of Brazilian populations. The scientist won 1st place in the Outstanding Researcher category (Exact Sciences area) at the 3º Prêmio CONFAP de Ciência, Tecnologia & Inovação “Johanna Döbereiner”. For this award, candidates are nominated by the research support foundation of their state. The evaluation committees are designated by CNPq, the federal research agency. In 2021, Prof Cid was distinguished by B-MRS with the Memorial Lecture “Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro”.


Prof. Lucimara Stolz Roman (UFPR), scientific director of B-MRS, was approved in her defense for progression to Full Professor on February 29th by an all-female committee (a fact probably unprecedented in defenses of this type in Physics departments in Brazil) . The panel included pioneers such as the first female Presidents of B-MRS, Mônica Cotta and SBF, Débora Peres Menezes, and the first woman to be Full Professor at the Department of Physics at UFPR, Alice Marlene Grimm.


– Fapesp scholarship for direct doctorate at Unifesp in biosensor technologies and controlled release systems. Applications until April 21st. Know more.

– Post-doctorate in biosensors and controlled release systems at Unifesp with a Fapesp scholarship. Applications by April 30th. Know more.

To follow opportunities in the area, enter the B-MRS group on Linkedin.

Upcoming events

Curso de outono de escrita científica da USP. Online. April 17 to 25, 2024. Website

2nd School on Glasses and Glass-ceramics. São Carlos (SP). April 29 to May 4, 2024. Website.

IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ). May 5th to 10th, 2024. Website.

50th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2024). San Diego (USA). May 19 to 24, 2024. Website.

101st IUVSTA workshop on high performance SIMS instrumentation and machine learning / artificial intelligence methods for complex data. Maresias (SP). May 19 to 24, 2024. Website.

I International Workshop on Applied Biosensing + IEEE Women in Sensors Day. Joinville (SC). June 3-6, 2024. Website.

6th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS).Wuzhen (China). June 17-20, 2024. Website.

17th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 2024). Florianópolis (SC). July 1-5, 2024. Website.

29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ). July 21 to 26, 2024. Website.

24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-24). Hiroshima (Japan). July 28 to August 2, 2024. Website.

4th Workshop on Coated Tools & Multifunctional Thin Films. Campinas (SP). August 19 to 23, 2024. Website.

19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024). Erfurt (Germany). September 2nd to 5th, 2024. Website.

XXII B-MRS Meeting. Santos (SP). September 29 to October 3, 2024.Website.

VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (CIPOA). Florianópolis (SC). October 7th to 11th, 2024. Website.

– São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques. Campinas (SP). October 14-25, 2024. Website.


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