B-MRS Newsletter. Year 11, issue 5.



Year 11, issue 5. June 4th, 2024.

Papers and books by the community

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Liquid crystals bring together fluidity and molecular order, making them very interesting for various technologies. In this work, the authors demonstrated for the first time that a liquid crystal based on the organic compound perylene has the potential to store and process information through switching between “on” and “off” states based on the resistivity of the material (the degree of resistance that it offers to the passage of electricity). The liquid crystal showed a very good ability to “write-read-erase-read” information. Carried out by researchers from Brazilian institutions UFSC, FURB and IFSC-USP and collaborators from Canada, France and Poland, this study opens up possibilities for producing low-cost organic memories. Access the paper.


This book, written in Portuguese, is for everyone who works in the field of welding or is interested in the subject. The author, Prof. Jair Carlos Dutra, is the founder and researcher at the Institute of Welding and Mechatronics – LABSOLDA at UFSC. Based on decades of experience in science, technology and innovation in the area, the book discusses in detail and, in some cases, questions concepts about welding processes and their applications. Access the book.


Transistors made from organic materials are increasingly being used in promising devices for health and environmental areas. However, the technique most used to date to characterize them, electrochemical impedance, is not the most appropriate. In this article, researchers from IFSC-USP show why this method is not the most accurate and what would be the best alternative for measuring volumetric capacitance (the amount of electrical charges that can be stored in a given volume) in organic transistors. Access the paper.

XXII B-MRS Meeting
Santos (SP), September 29th to October 3rd, 2024

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Upcoming important dates. The deadline to submit revised abstracts is June 14. Submission of extended abstract for Student and Woman Awards is open by July 10.

Plenary talks. Six internationally renowned scientists, from universities and companies in Brazil, Canada, Italy, Singapore and UK will speak about scientific topics of broad interest. Know more.

Student awards. The Bernhard Gross Award will recognize the best poster and best oral presentation by undergraduate and postgraduate students at each symposium. Among the finalists, the works with the best evaluations will receive cash prizes from scientific publishers ACS and RSC. To compete for the awards and prizes it is necessary to submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Early career woman researcher prize. This award will recognize the best oral presentation of the entire event made by a woman who defended her PhD between 2015 and 2024. The winner will receive a cash prize from the scientific publisher MDPI. To compete, it is mandatory to submit an extended abstract by July 10th. Know more.

Registration. The registration fee for the event is available for the different categories and conditions. See registration fees.

Exhibitors. 27 companies and startups have already confirmed their participation in our booth exhibition. Check the exhibitors. Organizations interested in the exhibition and other forms of sponsorship can contact comercial@sbpmat.org.br.

Venue. The event location is the Blue Med Convention Center in the city of Santos. More information about the city and the convention center.

Chairs. The general chairs of the event are Prof. Laura Oliveira Péres, from the Department of Chemistry at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), and Prof. Lucas Fugikawa Santos, from the Physics Department of the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp).


– Submission of scientific articles is open until October 31st for a focus isuue of a new IOP journal on science and technology for sustainability. The issue is dedicated to sustainability solutions in Latin America and features two B-MRS members as guest editors: Ana Flavia Nogueira (Unicamp) and Caue Ribeiro (Embrapa). The publication will be open access and free of charge. Know more.

– Alexander von Humboldt Foundation + CAPES program offers scholarships for scientific visits to Germany for both early career and experienced researchers. Know more.

To follow opportunities in the area, enter the B-MRS group on Linkedin.

Upcoming events

6th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS). Wuzhen (China). June 17th to 20th, 2024. Website.

20th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2024). Barcelona (​​Spain). June 24th to 28th, 2024. Website.

17th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 2024). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). July 1-5, 2024. Website.

29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil). July 21 to 26, 2024. Website.

24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-24). Hiroshima (Japan). July 28 to August 2, 2024. Website.

VI Escola de Inverno em Física Aplicada à Medicina e Biologia (EIFAMB). Ribeirão Preto (SP). July 29 to August 2, 2024. Website.

4th Workshop on Coated Tools & Multifunctional Thin Films. Campinas (SP, Brazil). August 19 to 23, 2024. Website.

III Simpósio Multidisciplinar em Materiais do Centro-Oeste (SMMCO). Caldas Novas (GO, Brazil). August 26 to 28, 2024. Website.

19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024). Erfurt (Germany). September 2nd to 5th, 2024. Website.

– VI Latin American Crystallographic Association Meeting. Montevideo (Uruguay). September 23-26, 2024. Website.

XXII B-MRS Meeting. Santos (SP, Brazil). September 29 to October 3, 2024. Website.

VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (CIPOA). Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). October 7th to 11th, 2024. Website.

– São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques. Campinas (SP, Brazil). October 14-25, 2024. Website.

– Biomaterials and Novel Technologies for Healthcare (4th BioMAH). Rome (Italy) October 15 to 18, 2024.Website.

– 8th International Workshop on Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses. Tokyo (Japan). October 27-30, 2024. Website.

– XXIII B-MRS Meeting. Salvador (BA, Brazil). September 28 to October 2, 2025. SAVE THE DATE!


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