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XIV SBPMat (B-MRS) Meeting – Rio de Janeiro, Sept 27 – Oct 1, 2015 |
With nearly 2400 abstracts submitted, the fourteenth edition of the annual meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat) sets a new record in the history of these events.
The term for submitting abstracts was closed on June 15. Until July 10, the authors of the submitted papers will receive their notes of acceptance, rejection or transfer to a different symposium. Abstracts written in Portuguese were refused.
Among the accepted papers, the ones whose authors are undergraduate or graduate students may compete for the Bernhard Gross Award, which will distinguish the best papers in each symposium (one oral presentation and one poster, at most). In order to compete, the authors, after being informed of their approval, must submit an extended abstract, in accordance with the instructions and the model displayed on the site of the event.
This year, the meeting counts with twenty-seven thematic symposia and two workshops, one on nanomanufacturing and the other on organic electronics in the industry, in addition to a symposium entirely organized by students enrolled in the SBPMat University Chapters (UCs).
The UC program at SBPMat was created in March 2014. It mainly aims to gather organized teams of graduate and undergraduate students from scientific and technological fields working in materials area, and officially link them to SBPMat. The activities to be carried out in such program intend to complement the academic development of these students, helping them to organize scientific and technological activities in materials fields, attend events held by the national and international scientific community, and establish exchanges with other UCs unities in the country and abroad.
The XIV SBPMat Meeting will be held in Rio de Janeiro, from September 27 to October 01st, 2015.
About the event
The SBPMat annual meeting is a traditional, international forum, dedicated to recent advances and perspectives on Materials Science and Technology. In the last editions, the event has gathered approximately 1,500 attendees, from the five regions of Brazil and dozens of others countries, for presenting and discussing scientific and technological studies in the field of Materials. The event also counts with plenary lectures, offered by internationally renowned researchers, and an exhibition of interest for the Materials community.
The submission of abstracts regarding the XIV Meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat) is open until May 30th. The event will be held from September 27th to October 1st in Rio de Janeiro at the convention center SulAmérica.
Works of researchers and students from Brazil and abroad in the areas of the symposia can be submitted. In this edition of the annual meeting of SBPMat, the number of symposia exceeded all the previous ones: 27 symposia and 2 workshops.
The symposia were selected by the organizing committee among the proposals received in a call launched in November 2014. According to the chairmen of the event, Marco Cremona and Fernando Lázaro Freire Junior, there were more than 50 proposals of symposia for this edition. Thus, it was impossible to put up all of them due to the limitations of time and physical space at the convention center. To select the symposia, the committee considered frontier research topics having an active community in the country.
In addition to a diverse range of themes (nanomaterials, electronics and photonics, biomaterials, modeling, materials for energy, among others), the list of symposia includes a symposium organized by the SBPMat University Chapters, coordinated by students, and two workshops organized in cooperation with industries. The list of symposia coordinators is also diverse, including researchers of universities and other research institutions from South, Southeast, and Northeast Brazilian regions, and from abroad (Argentina, Denmark, England, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and USA).
About SBPMat meetings
The annual SBPMat meeting is a traditional international forum dedicated to the recent progresses and perspectives in Materials science and technology. In addition to the presentation of technical works that occur in the symposia, the scientific program of the event counts on plenary lectures given by renowned researchers from worldwide. In the edition of 2014, held in the city of João Pessoa, around 2,000 works were presented in 19 symposia.
List of symposia and workshops: http://sbpmat.org.br/14encontro/symposia/?lang=en#title
Instructions for authors: http://sbpmat.org.br/14encontro/authors/?lang=en#title
The chairs of the XIV Brazilian MRS Meeting are receiving proposals from researchers interested in organizing a topic symposium.
The Meeting will be held at the SulAmerica Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, from September 27 to October 1, 2015.
Proposals should be submitted until December 5, 2014, using the form available on the site http://www.sbpmat.org.br/
Proposals will be evaluated by a Commission of the Brazilian MRS together with the organizing committee of the XIV Meeting. The final Symposia list for the XIV Meeting will be available in the December 2014.
Each symposium will receive a fee waiver for two (2) invited speakers in addition to the exemption of the organizers. Every 50 submitted abstracts, the symposium will gain a new fee waver.
Note that it is recommended a turnover at least of two of the co-organizers of the previous Symposia. Also, a diversified group of four (4) co-organizers is considered to be the optimal size. Inclusion of interdisciplinary research and industrial involvement is highly encouraged.
Your participation is extremely valuable in helping assure both the breadth and topicality of the SBPMat meeting.
Thank you.
2015 SBPMat Meeting Chairs
Related links
– 13th SBPMat Meeting: about 2,000 works presented, and interactions in various languages and accents.
– XIII SBPMat Meeting simposia: statements of the coordinators.