XIV SBPMAt Meeting – Call for symposia proposals.

The chairs of the XIV Brazilian MRS Meeting are receiving proposals from researchers interested in organizing a topic symposium.

The Meeting will be held at the SulAmerica Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, from September 27 to October 1, 2015.

Proposals should be submitted until December 5, 2014, using the form available on the site http://www.sbpmat.org.br/14encontro.

Proposals will be evaluated by a Commission of the Brazilian MRS together with the organizing committee of the XIV Meeting. The final Symposia list for the XIV Meeting will be available in the December 2014.

Each symposium will receive a fee waiver for two (2) invited speakers in addition to the exemption of the organizers. Every 50 submitted abstracts, the symposium will gain a new fee waver.

Note that it is recommended a turnover at least of two of the co-organizers of the previous Symposia. Also, a diversified group of four (4) co-organizers is considered to be the optimal size. Inclusion of interdisciplinary research and industrial involvement is highly encouraged.

Your participation is extremely valuable in helping assure both the breadth and topicality of the SBPMat meeting.

Thank you.

2015 SBPMat Meeting Chairs


Related links

– 13th SBPMat Meeting: about 2,000 works presented, and interactions in various languages and accents.

– XIII SBPMat Meeting simposia: statements of the coordinators.