B-MRS Newsletter – special issue about the XVI B-MRS Meeting.


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Newsletter of the Brazilian Materials Research Society

Year 4, issue 9. September 30th, 2017.

Special issue: XVI B-MRS Meeting

Gramado (Brazil), September 10 to 14, 2017

In numbers

– About 1,400 participants.
– 26 countries represented.
– 92.7% of registered participants from Brazil (from 5 regions of the country and from 22 states); 2.4% from Latin America and 4.9% from other countries.
– 58% students: 41% graduate students and 17% undergraduate students.
– About 52% men and 48% women.

– More than 1,900 approved works (76% for poster presentations) in 22 symposia.
– 7 plenary lectures and 1 memorial lecture, 13 technical lectures from companies, 1 tutorial and 1 workshop.
– 15 rooms for simultaneous oral presentations (over 300 oral presentations).
– 25 companies at the exhibition.

– 20 students received awards by ACS Publications, B-MRS, E-MRS, and IUMRS.


Multimedia report

Learn about or look back through an account of the event with texts, photos and presentation files. Here.


In real time

During the meeting, we posted on our new Instagram pictures and comments of some of the main moments. If you haven´t seen, do it now, here.



On Google Photos, see pictures of the awards winners, symposia coordinators and meeting organizers, and many others that you may want to download. Here.


Files of the presentations

Access on Slideshare the files of the opening, plenary and closing sessions that were provided by the authors. Here.


XVII B-MRS Meeting

Save the date! The next annual meeting of B-MRS will be held in the city of Natal, northeast of Brazil, from 16 to 20 of September, 2018. The chairman will be Prof. Antonio Eduardo Martinelli, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. More info soon in B-MRS communication media.


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B-MRS newsletter. Year 4, issue 5.


The newsletter of the Brazilian Materials Research Society News update from Brazil for the Materials community
English edition. Year 4, issue 5.

XVI B-MRS Meeting (Gramado, Brazil, September 10-14)

Approximately 2,000 abstracts were submitted to the XVI B-MRS Meeting! 

Authors. The authors will be notified by June 20 on the acceptance, modification or rejection of submitted papers.

Registration – discounts. Registrations are open. All categories have discounts until August 31st. See here the different values for B-MRS members (you can become a member during registration) and for non-members. And see here other advantages of joining SBPMat. 

Students Awards.  Contributions submitted by authors who are undergraduate or graduate students can apply for the students awards (the Bernhard Gross Award from B-MRS and other awards from partner entities). To participate in the selection, the author must submit an extended abstract in addition to the conventional abstract. The deadline is August 14. Additional information in the instructions for authors, 

Plenary lectures. Seven internationally renowned scientists will speak about cutting edge research on subjects such as materials for biomedical and environmental applications; biomimetic surfaces;
heterogeneous catalysis; materials and technologies for miniaturized electronic circuits; piezoelectric films and their energy, optics and electronics applications. Learn more by clicking on the speakers’
photos, here.

Memorial lecture. At the opening of the event, SBPMat will pay homage to Professor João Alziro H. da Jornada, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), who will deliver the
traditional Memorial Lecture “Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro”.

Venue. The FAURGS event center is in the center of Gramado, within walking distance of restaurants, shops, tourist attraction spots and hotels.

City of the event. Gramado is a charming tourist town, with a wide and qualified chain of hotels, gastronomic restaurants and shops. This attractive city is also the starting point for a series of
sightseeing highlights that explores the area’s natural florid beauty, its history marked by German and Italian immigration, and the theme parks around the city.

Organization. Meet the organizing committee. Here.

Exhibitors. 21 companies have already confirmed their participation in the industrial exhibition. Some booths are available. Companies interested in participating in the event with booths and other means of dissemination should contact Alexandre via this e-mail: comercial@sbpmat.org.br.  

Mini-interviews with the plenary speakers of the event. Professor Hans-Joachim Freund, known as Hajo Freund, is a German scientist who heads, since 1996, a prestigious research institute in Berlin dedicated to the study of surfaces and interfaces. There, he also heads a group of more than 40 people devoted to understanding heterogeneous catalysis through the study of model catalysts. In Gramado, this scientist, who has a 97 h-index, will share with the audience his knowledge on heterogeneous catalysis, a theme of broad academic and industrial impact. See our mini-interview. 

B-MRS news

Young Research Award. B-MRS announced the results of its post-doc award, this year in partnership with E-MRS. The four young winners, selected from 20 candidates, will take part in international events in Strasbourg (France). Learn more about this.

Save the date. B-MRS announces that the 17th edition of its annual event (XVII B-MRS Meeting) will be held in the city of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte state), at the Convention Center of Praiamar Hotel, on September 16 – 20, 2018, under the coordination of Professor Antonio Eduardo Martinelli (UFRN).

Featured paper

A team of scientists was able to produce a hybrid material made of graphene oxide nanosheets and iron oxide nanoparticles with a special 3-dimensional morphology. The work was carried out at the Center for Semiconductor Components at UNICAMP and at an Indian university. When the material performance in electricity storage was tested, the hybrid proved to be promising as a flexible micro-supercapacitor for wearable electronics. The research was reported in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. See our news story.

People from our community

We interviewed the new director of the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Lab (LNNano), Adalberto Fazzio, former president of SBF, former pro tempore president of the Federal University of ABC and former coordinator of micro and nanotechnologies of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, among other management positions. Fazzio was a Professor at the Physics Institute of USP from 1979 until his retirement in 2015, and made significant contributions to the understanding of various materials (from semiconductors to topological insulators) using computational methods. In the 1980s and 1990s, Fazzio pioneered the use of ab initio calculations in Brazil and is currently exploring the use of machine learning techniques to study materials properties. In the interview, Prof. Fazzio spoke about his professional trajectory and the perspectives in nano research in light of today`s Brazilian budget situation. He also left a message for the readers who are starting their scientific careers. See the interview.

Reading tips

  • Method that aggregates real-time observation and computational modeling of piezoelectric material reveals details of nano-scale power generation mechanism (based on paper from Nano Letters). Here.
  • Nanoparticle functionalized with antibiotic developed in Brazil kills bacteria resistant to this antibiotic (based on paper from Scientific Reports). Here.
  • Sensor created in Brazil evaluates ethanol fuel quality in seconds with more precision than the sensors currently used (based on paper from Scientific Reports). Here.
  • Technology: Brazilian company develops electrostatic protection materials applicable to flooring, packaging, soles, carpeting and other products. Here.


  • 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies. Suntec (Singapore). June 18 – 23, 2017. Site. 
  • 10th International Conference on Nanophotonics (ICNP 2017). Recife, PE (Brazil). July 2 – 5 2017. Site.
  • 1ª Escola Brasileira de Síncrotron (EBS). Campinas, SP (Brazil). July 10 – 21, 2017. Site.
  • 2º Ciclo de Minicursos de Cristalografia. Juiz de Fora, MG (Brazil). July,10 – 21, 2017. Site.
  • XI Brazilian Symposium on Glass and Related Materials (XI Brazglass). Curitiba, PR (Brazil). July 13 – 16, 2017. Site.
  • VIII Método Rietveld de Refinamento de Estrutura. Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). July 24 – 28, 2017. Site.
  • XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Aplicações de Vácuo na Indústria e na Ciência (CBRAVIC) + III Workshop de Tratamento e Modificação de Superfícies (WTMS). São José dos Campos (Brazil). August 21 – 25, 2017. Site.
  • IUMRS-ICAM 2017. Kyoto (Japan). August 27 – Setember 1, 2017. Site.
  • International Conference on Luminescence (ICL-2017).  João Pessoa (Brazil). August 27 – September 1, 2017.
  • 23a Reunião da Associação Brasileira de Cristalografia. Vitória, ES (Brazil).  September 5 – 9 2017. Site.
  • XVI Encontro da SBPMat/ XVI B-MRS Meeting. Gramado, RS (Brazil). September 10 – 14, 2017. Site.
  • 18th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-18). Foz do Iguaçu, PR (Brazil). September 12 – 15 2017. Site.
  • 2ª Conferência Nacional em Materiais Celulares (MatCel’2017) + Conferência Internacional em Dinâmica de Materiais Celulares (DynMatCel’2017). Aveiro (Portugal). September 25 – 27, 2017. 

  • 1st Pan American Congress of Nanotechnology. Fundamentals and Applications to Shape the Future. Guarujá, SP (Brazil). November 7 – 30 2017. Site.


Submit your suggestion for any section of our newsletter: comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br




Interview with Hans-Joachim Freund (director at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft – Germany).

Prof "Hajo" Freund.
Prof “Hajo” Freund.

Because it increases the speed and selectivity of many industrial processes involving chemical reactions, catalysis has been a major industry ally. However, deep understanding of catalysis still presents challenges to science.

In September, the charming city of Gramado (south of Brazil) will receive an expert on the subject, Hans-Joachim Freund (h index: 97, Google Scholar). Freund is the director of the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany), a research institute founded in 1911 and currently focused on surface and interface science. In this institution, Freund also heads the Department of Physical Chemistry, where more than 40 researchers are engaged in the study of heterogeneous catalysis, which happens when the phase of the catalyst differs from that of the reactants (for example, in a system of catalytic nanoparticles and gaseous reactants).

Hans-Joachim Freund was born in 1951 in Solingen (Germany). His parents had a small cutlery business (typical activity of this town) and always encouraged him to study. He graduated in Chemistry and Physics from the Universität zu Köln (Cologne, Germany) and, in 1978, obtained his PhD diploma from the same university. He did post-doctoral research at the Department of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania (United States) between 1979 and 1981. In 1983, he obtained his habilitation (degree that gives access to professorship in Germany) at the Universität zu Köln.

At the beginning of his academic career, he was an Associate Professor at the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (1983-1987). In 1987, he became a Professor at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, where he remained until 1996, when he was hired by the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft as a member and director. Throughout his career, he has been a visiting professor/ researcher at seven institutions in the United States, France, China and Japan.

He has received dozens of awards and distinctions from institutions in Europe and the United States. In particular, the relevance of his work in the field of catalysis was recognized through the Gabor A. Somorjai Award of the American Chemical Society (2007), the Karl-Ziegler-Prize of the German Chemical Association and Karl-Ziegler Foundation (2011), the Blaise Pascal Medal in Materials Sciences of the European Academy of Science (2012), the Gaede-Langmuir Award of the American Vacuum Society (2014), and the Michel Boudart Award of The North American Catalysis Society and the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (2015), among other prizes.

In addition, Prof. Freund holds three honorary doctorates and is a member of Physics, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Catalysis societies of Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, European Academy of Sciences and Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

Currently, in addition to his activities at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, he is honorary Professor in Physics and Chemistry at four universities in Germany, and Physics at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

He has educated more than 120 PhD students and given about 750 invited lectures. He is the author or co-author of more than 770 scientific articles published in indexed journals and some books, and has more than 38,000 citations, according to Google Scholar.

At the XVI B-MRS Meeting, Prof. Freund will talk about heterogeneous catalysis and, particularly, about the results he has obtained so far through the investigation of model systems.

Here follows an interview with Prof. Freund.

SBPMat newsletter: – Please, briefly describe your main contributions to the study of catalysis.

Prof. Freund: – The department is dedicated to the study of model catalysts, applying a large number of techniques and instruments, some of which were newly developed within the department to investigate oxide surfaces and oxide metal interfaces. The group has pioneered the study of oxide supported nanoparticles at the atomic scale with respect to hydrogenation reactions using thin film preparation techniques, and has provided the first micro-calorimetric measurement of molecular adsorption energies as a function of size for model systems. Recently, charge control experiments on supported nano-particles on CO2 activation have provided detailed insight into active sites at the oxide-metal interface. Another direction of research in recent years has dealt with the first structure determination of an amorphous silica film at atomic resolution in UHV as well as in the liquid, which provides the basis for future model studies of heterogenized homogeneous catalysts prepared by bonding metal complexes to amorphous silica.

SBPMat newsletter: – Explain us in few words how the study of heterogeneous catalysis through model systems is carried out. Does it involve theoretical and experimental research? Simulations? Why is this model systems approach important in the case of heterogeneous catalysis?

Prof. Freund: – Heterogeneous catalysts are complex multicomponent materials. Model systems may be designed starting from the most simple systems and increasing step wise complexity in order to identify the role the various components play in determining the chemistry. Using the tools of surface science this may be undertaken at the atomic level.

SBPMat newsletter: – Thinking about the applications, what impact would have, in your opinion, a deeper understanding of heterogeneous catalysis?

Prof. Freund: – The only way to finally be able to design heterogeneous catalysts from scratch is to achieve a deep understanding of the materials and its chemistry under operating conditions at the atomic level.


More information. Click on Hans-Joachim Freund‘s photo and see his bio and the abstract of his plenary lecture at the XVI B-MRS Meeting: http://sbpmat.org.br/16concontro/home/

B-MRS newsletter. Year 4, issue 1.


Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat) newsletter

News update from Brazil for the Materials community

English edition. Year 4, issue 1.

XVI B-MRS Meeting
The submission deadline for symposium proposals was extended until February 12. Click here. 

Visit the event website for firsthand information: important dates, plenarists who have confirmed attendance, sponsors who have confirmed participation, cost of registration fees, team contact info. Click here.

Featured paper

A scientific team headed by researchers from the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE) bypassed, applying a simple method, a characteristic of topological insulators that limits the possibilities of studying these promising materials for technological applications. The study was reported in a paper published in APL Materials. See our news story.

People from the community

We interviewed three young PhDs from the Materials community whose doctoral works were recognized in December, in the 2016 Capes Thesis Award: Antonio Cláudio Padilha, Fernanda Fiegenbaum and Flávio Camargo Cabrera. They talked about the award-winning doctoral theses and left messages for students doing research in this area. Here are the interviews.

We also interviewed Gleison Adriano da Silva, recently graduated in Physics from the Federal University of Amazonas, who won the scientific initiation research award from CNPq in 2016, and also other distinctions for his work on the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured semiconductor materials. Learn more about this young researcher and his award-winning work. 

Professor Elvira Fortunato (New University of Lisbon, Portugal) will receive the 2017 Czochralski Award, awarded by the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) together with Polish scientific societies. Click here for more information.
  • II Escola de Verão: Desenvolvimento de Fármacos e Medicamentos. Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). February 13 – 17, 2017. Site. 
  • XXXVII Escola de Verão em Química – UFSCar. São Carlos, SP (Brazil). February 13 – 17, 2017. Site. 
  • Pan-American Polymer Science Conference (PanPoly). Guarujá, SP (Brazil). March 22-24, 2017. Site.
  • 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies. Suntec (Singapore). June 18 – 23, 2017. Site. 
  • XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Aplicações de Vácuo na Indústria e na Ciência (CBRAVIC) + III Workshop de Tratamento e Modificação de Superfícies (WTMS). São José dos Campos, SP (Brazil). August 21-25, 2017. Facebook. 
  • IUMRS-ICAM 2017. Kyoto (Japan). August 27 – September 1, 2017. Site.
  • XVI B-MRS Meeting/ XVI Encontro da SBPMat. Gramado, RS (Brazil). September, 10 – 14, 2017. Site.
Featured images
Have you noticed that the background of the SBPMat website has beautiful scientific images? They were provided by the Center for the Development of Functional Materials (CDMF), but the space is open to receive images of all members of the SBPMat community. Write to comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br and propose an image made by you, attaching the file and informing what is shown in the image and what technique was used to carry it out. 

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Call for symposia proposals for the XVI B-MRS Meeting is open.

Proposals of thematic symposia for the XVI B-MRS Meeting can be submitted to the Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS) until January, 31. This year, the annual event of the B-MRS will be held from September 10 to 14, 2017 in the charming city of Gramado (state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), in the FAURGS convention center.

Anyone with a doctoral degree, performing research in Brazil or abroad can submit a symposium proposal on a subject related to Materials Science and Technology. Proposals must be filled in online at http://www.sbpmat.org.br/proposed_symposium/. Title, scope and topics of the symposium, data about the organizers and preliminary list of invited speakers are required. The proposals will be evaluated by the B-MRS event committee and by the organizers of the meeting, and then submitted to the executive board of the society.

The B-MRS annual meeting is an interdisciplinary and international event dedicated to the presentation and discussion, in English, of scientific and technological advances achieved in the field of materials. In the last editions, the meeting has gathered about 2,000 participants from various points in Brazil and dozens of other countries.

Thematic symposia are axes of B-MRS meetings program. At the 2016 meeting, held in the city of Campinas, more than 2,000 papers were presented at 22 symposia, covering the discovery, fabrication, characterization and applications of various types of materials, such as nanostructured materials, biomaterials, electronic organic materials, electroceramics and nanocellulose, among many others.

The site of the event will be released and announced soon.

XVI B-MRS Meeting: call for symposia proposals.

xvi-encontroThe call for symposia proposals for the XVI Brazilian MRS (B-MRS) Meeting is open until January, 31, 2017. The conference will take place in Gramado, RS at the Centro de Eventos de Gramado – Faurgs, from September 10th-14th, 2017.

Symposium proposals may be submitted by any PhD associated with educational and/or research institutions in Brazil or abroad, in any field of Materials Science and Engineering. The proposal presentation must be submitted through the form available at http://sbpmat.org.br/proposed_symposium/. The submission requires the following data:

– Description of the symposium scope
– List of topics of interest
– Tentative list of invited speakers
– Names and contacts of symposium organizers

We look forward to your participation to create an outstanding B-MRS Meeting!

B-MRS (SBPMat) newsletter. English edition. Year 3, issue 8.


Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat) newsletter

News update from Brazil for the Materials community

English edition. Year 3, issue 8. 
XV Brazil-MRS (SBPMat) Meeting - Campinas (SP), Sept 25-29, 2016 

1,909 abstracts have been accepted to be presented at the XV SBPMat/ Brazil-MRS Meeting. 

Registration: Registration for the event is open. Here.

Awards. In addition to the Bernhard Gross Award, this year there will also be an ACS award (American Chemical Society). The winners have to be present at the closing ceremony in order to receive the prizes (Sept 29, from 11h45 to 14h00).

Program. The short and full (symposium by symposium) versions are available on the website. Here.

Special Sessions – Science Lunch “Research in Germany”, Sept 26, from 12h00 to 14h00. This session will bring together scientists and funding agencies from Germany to discuss research opportunities in that country. Limited availability. Learn more and complete your registration free of charge, here.

Special Sessions – Meet the Editors, Sept 27, from 12h00 to 14h00. The round table “Meet the editors” will host Paul Weiss (editor-in-chief of ACS Nano), Susan Sinnott (editor-in-chief of Computational Materials Science), Ifor Samuel (editor-in-chief of Synthetic Metals) and Tim Smith (IOP Publishing director) who will discuss scientific publication. Limited availability. Free registration in the registration form of the meeting, where activities can be selected. 

Special Sessions – Materials Research and Innovation, Sept 28, from 12h00 to 14h00. This panel will bring together representatives of Mahle, Braskem and Inova-Unicamp, who will present cases of university-industry collaboration for R&D in Brazil and discuss the role of materials research in innovation. Limited availability. Free registration in the registration form of the meeting, where activities can be selected. 

Tutorials: Two tutorials will be offered on Sept 25 from 14h00 to 17h00 to those registered at the event, at no extra cost. One tutorial is on computer simulations of atomic systems using Reactive Force Fields (theory and practice). The second, organized by Professor Valtencir Zucolotto, will address the capabilities required to make high-impact science, including scientific writing. Free registration in the registration form of the meeting, where activities can be selected. 

Publication of contributions: The papers presented at the XV Brazil-MRS Meeting may be submitted by their authors for peer review for publication in IOP scientific journals. More info.

Plenary sessions:  View the abstracts of the plenary lectures and the memorial lecture of our event and bios of the scientists presenting them. Here.

Exhibition: It will comprise 43 stands.

Accommodation and tickets: See the list of the travel agency “Follow Up” with hotels, hostels, guesthouses and the forms to book flights. Here. 

Vacation packages: The Follow Up website also suggests tour packages for before and after the event. Here.

Venue: See video of the city of Campinas and folder about the Expo Dom Pedro convention center. 

Organizers: This edition of the event is coordinated by Prof. Ana Flávia Nogueira (Unicamp, Institute of Chemistry) and Prof. Mônica Alonso Cotta (Unicamp, “Gleb Wataghin” Institute of Physics). See who are the members of the local committee and view the photos of the organizers. Here.

SBPMat news
SBPMat is pleased to announce that the XVI SBPMat/ Brazil-MRS Meeting will be held in Gramado (RS) from 24 to 28 10 to 14 September 2017.
Featured paper 

A study developed in Brazil by means of computer simulations showed that a defect in two-dimensional bismuth nanoribbon atom network generates conductive states in regions of the nanoribbons that should be in an insulating state. This work contributes to the study of a class of recently discovered materials, the topological insulators, and it was published in the scientific journal Nano Letters. See our story about the paper. 

People in the Materials Community
Professor Victor Carlos Pandolfelli (DEMa-UFSCar) was chosen to serve as one of the editors-in-chief of the journal Ceramics International (Elsevier). More.
Interviews with plenary speakers of the XV Brazil-MRS Meeting
Imagine yourself inserting in a computer the material properties you desire for a specific application and obtaining the project of the most appropriate material. This is a promise of Computational Materials Science, and it will be addressed by Prof. Susan Sinnott in a plenary lecture of the XV Brazil-MRS Meeting. Sinnott is Professor and Director of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University (USA) and editor-in-chief of the journal Computational Materials Science. Her scientific production, with more than 10,000 citations, includes important contributions to the development of simulation tools for heterogeneous material systems at the atomic scale. See our interview with the scientist. 


Reading tips

Research carried out with the participation of Brazilian scientists advances in the understanding of magnetic noise, which generates imperfections in magnetic materials applications (based on paper of Physical Review Letters). Here.

  • XV Brazil-MRS Meeting (XV Encontro da SBPMat). Campinas, SP (Brazil). September, 25 to 29, 2016. Site. 
  • Aerospace Technology 2016. Stockholm (Sweden). October, 11 to 12, 2016. Site.
  • AutoOrg 2016. 5th Meeting on self-assembly structures in solutions and at interfaces. Florianópolis, SC (Brazil). November, 2 to 4, 2016. Site. 
  • I Simpósio Nacional de Nanobiotecnologia; II Workshop de Nanobiotecnologia da UFMG – Avanços & Aplicações. Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). December, 1 to 2, 2016. Site.

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