Professor Victor C. Pandolfelli (DEMa – UFSCar), a member of B-MRS, is a co-author of the scientific paper chosen for the JECS Best Paper Award, a biennial prize of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society (impact factor 3,794) for the best paper published in this journal.
The article chosen for the period 2017-2018 is “Nacre-like ceramic refractories for high temperature applications” (, and is signed by seven authors, four of them Brazilians, including Pandolfelli.
The JECS Best Paper Award will be presented during the 16th Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society (Turin, Italy, June 16-22, 2019). It will be the first time the prize is given to authors from the American continent.
According to Pandolfelli, the work proposes a new advanced ceramic material, of relatively low cost and simple processing, for applications in temperatures of up to 1,400°C. The material exhibits high mechanical strength and high fracture energy. Its microstructure is bioinspired.
Figure shows the propagation of the crack in a plane perpendicular to the mechanical loading, very similar to what would happen when testing, for example, a piece of bamboo.
Award ceremony of the Honorary Fellow of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS), at the closing dinner of the “15th Conference and Exhibition of the ECerS” in Budapest. Pandolfelli is third from left.
Professor Victor Carlos Pandolfelli, of the Materials Engineering Department of the Federal University of São Carlos (DEMa-UFSCar) was elected Honorary Fellow of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS).
The statute of that society determines that only scientists from the European Community can be elected as members. The title of Honorary Fellow was created in 2017 for researchers from other regions to be recognized for their scientific contribution in the area of ceramic materials. In this first selective process that occurred through internal voting by the Council of ECerS, without the candidates’ knowledge, Professor Victor Carlos Pandolfelli of the Department of Materials Engineering at UFSCar was the first Latin American chosen for this honor. Also on the list of honorary members are Professor Gary Messing (Penn State, EUA), Dr. M. Singh (NASA, USA) and Professor M. Yoshimura (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and University of Taiwan).
Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat) newsletter
News update from Brazil for the Materials community
English edition. Year 3, issue 8.
XV Brazil-MRS (SBPMat) Meeting - Campinas (SP), Sept 25-29, 2016
1,909 abstracts have been accepted to be presented at the XV SBPMat/ Brazil-MRS Meeting.
Registration: Registration for the event is open. Here.
Awards. In addition to the Bernhard Gross Award, this year there will also be an ACS award (American Chemical Society). The winners have to be present at the closing ceremony in order to receive the prizes (Sept 29, from 11h45 to 14h00).
Program. The short and full (symposium by symposium) versions are available on the website. Here.
Special Sessions – Science Lunch “Research in Germany”, Sept 26, from 12h00 to 14h00. This session will bring together scientists and funding agencies from Germany to discuss research opportunities in that country. Limited availability. Learn more and complete your registration free of charge, here.
Special Sessions – Meet the Editors, Sept 27, from 12h00 to 14h00. The round table “Meet the editors” will host Paul Weiss (editor-in-chief of ACS Nano), Susan Sinnott (editor-in-chief of Computational Materials Science), Ifor Samuel (editor-in-chief of Synthetic Metals) and Tim Smith (IOP Publishing director) who will discuss scientific publication. Limited availability. Free registration in the registration form of the meeting, where activities can be selected.
Special Sessions – Materials Research and Innovation, Sept 28, from 12h00 to 14h00. This panel will bring together representatives of Mahle, Braskem and Inova-Unicamp, who will present cases of university-industry collaboration for R&D in Brazil and discuss the role of materials research in innovation. Limited availability. Free registration in the registration form of the meeting, where activities can be selected.
Publication of contributions: The papers presented at the XV Brazil-MRS Meeting may be submitted by their authors for peer review for publication in IOP scientific journals. More info.
Plenary sessions: View the abstracts of the plenary lectures and the memorial lecture of our event and bios of the scientists presenting them. Here.
Exhibition: It will comprise 43 stands.
Accommodation and tickets: See the list of the travel agency “Follow Up” with hotels, hostels, guesthouses and the forms to book flights. Here.
Vacation packages: The Follow Up website also suggests tour packages for before and after the event. Here.
Venue: See video of the city of Campinas and folder about the Expo Dom Pedro convention center.
Organizers: This edition of the event is coordinated by Prof. Ana Flávia Nogueira (Unicamp, Institute of Chemistry) and Prof. Mônica Alonso Cotta (Unicamp, “Gleb Wataghin” Institute of Physics). See who are the members of the local committee and view the photos of the organizers. Here.
SBPMat news
SBPMat is pleased to announce that the XVI SBPMat/ Brazil-MRS Meeting will be held in Gramado (RS) from 24 to 28 10 to 14 September 2017.
Featured paper
A study developed in Brazil by means of computer simulations showed that a defect in two-dimensional bismuth nanoribbon atom network generates conductive states in regions of the nanoribbons that should be in an insulating state. This work contributes to the study of a class of recently discovered materials, the topological insulators, and it was published in the scientific journal Nano Letters. See our story about the paper.
People in the Materials Community
Professor Victor Carlos Pandolfelli (DEMa-UFSCar) was chosen to serve as one of the editors-in-chief of the journal Ceramics International (Elsevier). More.
Interviews with plenary speakers of the XV Brazil-MRS Meeting
Imagine yourself inserting in a computer the material properties you desire for a specific application and obtaining the project of the most appropriate material. This is a promise of Computational Materials Science, and it will be addressed by Prof. Susan Sinnott in a plenary lecture of the XV Brazil-MRS Meeting. Sinnott is Professor and Director of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University (USA) and editor-in-chief of the journal Computational Materials Science. Her scientific production, with more than 10,000 citations, includes important contributions to the development of simulation tools for heterogeneous material systems at the atomic scale. See our interview with the scientist.
Reading tips
Research carried out with the participation of Brazilian scientists advances in the understanding of magnetic noise, which generates imperfections in magnetic materials applications (based on paper of Physical Review Letters). Here.
XV Brazil-MRS Meeting (XV Encontro da SBPMat). Campinas, SP (Brazil). September, 25 to 29, 2016. Site.
Aerospace Technology 2016. Stockholm (Sweden). October, 11 to 12, 2016. Site.
AutoOrg 2016. 5th Meeting on self-assembly structures in solutions and at interfaces. Florianópolis, SC (Brazil). November, 2 to 4, 2016. Site.
I Simpósio Nacional de Nanobiotecnologia; II Workshop de Nanobiotecnologia da UFMG – Avanços & Aplicações. Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). December, 1 to 2, 2016. Site.
Professors Edgar Dutra Zanotto and Victor Carlos Pandolfelli, members of the Brazilian Materials research community, were elected to join the ranks of the full members of the Brazilian National Academy of Engineering (ANE) and were sworn, with other 25 engineers, on November 27, 2014, at the Auditorium of the Navy Arsenal in Rio de Janeiro.
By electing full members, ANE honors and recognizes great talents in the professional field by highlighting them as examples and a sources of inspiration for future generations.
Zanotto and Pandolfelli are full Professors of the Materials Engineering Department (DEMa) of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil.
Edgar Dutra Zanotto.
Edgar Zanotto is a Materials Engineer by UFSCar, Master in Physics from the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, and PhD in Glass Technology from the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom). At UFSCar, he coordinates the Vitreous Materials Laboratory (LaMaV), established by him in 1977. Amongst many distinctions, he is a Commander of the National Order of Scientific Merit and member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), the World Academy of Ceramics (WAC) and the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries (TWAS). In addition to several executive and advisory positions, he is the Director of the Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials (CeRTEVE). Zanotto holds a 1 A-level fellowship for research productivity in the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and has focused his research work into themes related to glass and glass-ceramics. Zanotto is one of the founders of SBPMat.
Victor Carlos Pandolfelli.
Victor Carlos Pandolfelli earned his undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Materials from DEMa – UFSCar, and his PhD in Materials from the University of Leeds (United Kingdom). Pandolfelli is a member of the advisory board of the World Academy of Ceramics (WAC), member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the American Ceramic Society, and visiting Professor of the Wuhan University of Science and Technology (China), to name a few of his many distinctions. He is the Latin-American coordinator of the Federation for International Refractories Research and Education (FIRE), an organization comprising universities in different countries and major companies in the field of refractories. Since 1993, he coordinates the ALCOA (Aluminum Company of Americas) Laboratory at UFSCar. Pandolfelli also holds a 1 A-level fellowship for research productivity in CNPq. Among his main research topics, it is worth mentioning high temperature ceramic materials.
About ANAE
ANE recognizes that the country’s sovereignty, as well as the welfare and security of its population, critically rely on competent, innovative, ethical engineering, concerned about meeting the needs of all segments of society – taking into account the sustainability of the civilization, while based on long term global prospects.
The Materials field researcher Victor C. Pandolfelli, Professor of the Materials Engineering Department at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), was elected as a member of the advisory board of the World Academy of Ceramics – WAC, for the term from 2014 to 2018. He will be, jointly with a researcher from the United States, the representative of the Americas in this entity.
The World Academy of Ceramics was founded in 1987. Its purpose is to enhance science and technology, and accredit the researchers who develop their studies in this field of work. It is an non-profit organization, whose members pass through a strict selective process, comprising being nominated by two sitting members, the evaluation of these nominations by pairs selected by the Academy, and the final approval of, at least, ten of fifteen members of the advisory board. As the main activities of the researchers elected in such committee, there are 1) reviewing the WAC admission rules, 2) defining the members that will take part in the new nominees selective processes, 3) defining the speakers for the technical presentation and award in the scientific forum for members of the Academy.
The investiture of Pandolfelli and the first meeting of the committee will be held next June, in Montecatini Termi, Italy.