Members of B-MRS are authors of a new book on Density Functional Theory.

Prof Sérgio Ricardo de Lázaro (left) and Luis Henrique da Silveira Lacerda.
Prof Sérgio Ricardo de Lázaro (left) and Luis Henrique da Silveira Lacerda.

The members of B-MRS Sérgio Ricardo de Lázaro (UEPG professor) and Luis Henrique da Silveira Lacerda (PhD student at UEL/UEPG/UNICENTRO) are the authors of the book “Teoria do Funcional da Densidade e Propriedades dos Materiais“, published by the Brazilian publishing house CRV. The book is co-authored by Renan Augusto Pontes Ribeiro, also a doctoral student of the program. The Density Functional Theory (DFT) is based on Quantum Mechanics and was applied in the area of Materials Chemistry.

More information about the book: