B-MRS is pleased to present the committee responsible for organizing the process that at the end of this year will conclude with the election of the next Executive Board and members of the Council of the society. All active members with paid 2019 annuity will be eligible and may vote.
The members of the Electoral Commission are:
- Prof. Cícero Rafael Cena da Silva (UFMS) .
- Prof. Laura O. Péres (UNIFESP)
- Prof. Marco Cremona (PUC-Rio)
The commission will soon be making available the election calendar and other information on the B-MRS website. The information will be disclosed in B-MRS’s e-newsletter and social media, as well as sent by e-mail to the active members.
The current Executive Board of B-MRS thanks the participation of Professors Cena, Cremona and Péres in the organization of this important process of the Society.