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Tag: bolsa
FAPESP Post-Doctoral Fellow in Brazil in the area of Physical-Chemical Education.
The Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos (IQSC) of the University of São Paulo (USP) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship linked to the Thematic Project – FAPESP “Study and application of electrochemical technology for the analysis and degradation of endocrine interferents: materials, sensors, processes and scientific dissemination “coordinated by Prof. Dr. Marcos Lanza.
The project aims at the production of new materials with electrocatalytic activity and their application in electrochemical analysis sensors and in advanced effluent treatment processes. In addition to the publication of the scientific knowledge through scientific articles, the dissemination of results will also occur through scientific popularization. Through the production of didactical material to improve the teaching of physicochemistry in Basic Education and the realization of interactive expositions open to students and the general population, it is hoped to arouse interest in science, especially among school-age youth.
The candidate should be involved in the development of research on scientific dissemination and the teaching of physicochemistry in Basic Education (students aged between 10 and 18 years). In this sense, the fellow is expected to be able to delineate research questions and design data collection strategies that allow the development of scientific dissemination and chemical education activities, with publication of the results in national and international journals in the area of Chemical Education.
Must have immediate availability to reside in São Carlos/SP/Brazil and have completed a doctorate for less than 7 years.
If selected, the candidate will have a FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship ( in the monthly amount of R $ 7,174.80 (approximately US $ 1,700.00 US dollars per month) for 24 months.
Entries should be made through the email to the supervisor, Prof. Dr. Marcos Lanza, until March 03, 2019. The following documents must be attached to the e-mail:
1) Curriculum Vitae containing the academic training and publications (maximum of 4 pages). Experience in international publications and in the Physical Chemistry and Education fields must be proven.
2) Letter of the candidate justifying the interest on the vacancy (maximum of 200 words).
3) Work plan of two research proposals related to the topics of scientific dissemination and chemical education of this project containing objective, theoretical reference, data collection instruments and international periodical of interest for submission (maximum of 5 pages).
(Português) Pós-doutorado no PPGCEM da UFRN.
(Português) Oportunidade para pesquisador aposentado ou licenciado, em materiais cimentantes, cerâmicas e geopoliméricos.
Call for the scholarship PNPD/CAPES with PPGFSC/UFSC – 2018/1.
The Graduate Program in Physics of Federal University of Santa Catarina – PPGFSC/UFSC, Florianópolis, announces the vacancy of 2 (two) postdoctoral scholarships from the (Programa Nacional de Pós-doutorado da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – PNPD/CAPES), to the period of 2 (two) years, it can be renewed annually at a maximum of 60 months.
The monthly amount of the scholarship is R$ 4.100.00 (four thousand one hundred reais) beyond the values destined to assets.
The candidate has to act in THEORETICAL or EXPERIMENTAL research lines at one of the following areas of research: Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics and Quantum Field Theory and Nuclear Physics and Hadrons.
The complete regulation of the Graduate Program (Programa Nacional de Pós-Doutorado – PNPD) is described at:Portaria nº 086, de 03 de julho de 2013.
To make your application: click here
(Português) Bolsas de mestrado FAPESP em Energias Renováveis.
(Português) Bolsa de pós-doutorado CAPES no PPGCEM/UFSCar.
Post-doctoral fellowship in Fuel Cells.
More information, here.
(Português) Bolsa FAPESP de pós-doutorado no IPEN para pesquisa com células a combustível.
Post-doc at IPEN (Brazil) on electroceramics with FAPESP scholarship.
A FAPESP Post-Doctorate Fellowship is available at the Center of Science and Technology of Materials (CCTM), Energy and Nuclear Research Institute, University of S. Paulo, Brazil. CCTM is a member of the Center for Development of Functional Materials, funded by FAPESP.
The candidate will take part on the research on “electric field-assisted sintering of electroceramics”, including experiments on flash sintering (details in (R. Muccillo e E.N.S. Muccillo, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 33,2014, p.515-520), X-ray diffraction, scanning electron and scanning probe microscopy, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
The research work aims to provide data for modeling and for proposing physical-chemical mechanisms to explain the flash sintering phenomenon that produces dense ceramic bodies at temperatures lower than conventional, without the grain growth observed in conventionally sintered ceramics.
The interested candidates may send by e-mail a CV (max. 5 pages) with emphasis in their skill on the operation and interpretation of data on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and sintering, attaching two recommendation letters from their previous supervisors, to Prof. Reginaldo Muccillo ( Additional information may be obtained by sending e-mail to that address. The deadline for the application is November 15, 2016.
Travelling expenses for the selected candidate not living in S. Paulo will be covered by FAPESP.
Information on the fellowship is available in