It is with deep regret that SBPMat announces the passing of Prof. José Arana Varela of the Chemistry Institute of Unesp, Araraquara, on 05/17/2016. Professor Varela was one of the founders of SBPMat, and its president from 2010 to 2011.
SBPMat sympathizes with the family of Professor Varela, in a sad day when Brazilian science loses one its exponents.
The Board of SBPMat
Related links:
- Interview with Professor Jose Arana Varela, honored with the Bridge Building Award from American Ceramic Society (2014-02-27)
Patricia Campana
A ciência brasileira está em luto.
Que a família encontre consolo para a saudade que sentirão desta pessoa ímpar que era o professor Varela.
Descanse em paz professor.
Francisco Moura
Em particular me sinto órfão, pela contribuição durante período que estive no LIEC-Araraquara.