The Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS/SBPMat) and the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) invite the international scientific community to submit symposium proposals.
October 31st NOVEMBER 18th 2019, the call for symposium proposals is open for the event that will bring together the XIX B-MRS Meeting (the annual B-MRS event) and the IUMRS – ICEM 2020 (seventeenth edition of the International Conference on Electronic Materials). The event will be held from August 30 to September 3, 2020 in Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), a tourist town near the border with Argentina and Paraguay, which serves as a base for visits to the stunning Iguazu Falls and to others attractions in the surroundings.
Symposium proposals may be submitted by groups of researchers, preferably of international composition, who wish to organize a thematic symposium within the event. The conference will have a special focus on electronic materials due to the realization of IUMRS-ICEM. However, as in all editions of the B-MRS Meeting, the event will cover a wide range of materials science and technology topics. The organizers therefore welcome symposium proposals on topics relating to all types of materials, from synthesis to applications.
To submit a symposium proposal, simply fill out the online form available at
The symposia will be the main focus of the event with plenary lectures, which will feature internationally renowned scientists such as Alex Zunger (University of Colorado Boulder, USA), Edson Leite (LNNano, Brazil), John Rogers (Northwestern University, USA) , Luisa Torsi (Università degli Studi di Bari “A. Moro”, Italy) and Tao Deng (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China).
Symposium proposals will be evaluated by the event committee, and by the end of 2019 the list of approved symposia will be released. In February 2020, the call for papers will be opened, which should be submitted within the scope of the thematic symposia. Symposium organizers will be responsible for evaluating the submitted abstracts and scheduling the symposium.
The joint event XIX B-MRS Meeting + IUMRS – ICEM 2020 is coordinated by professors Gustavo Martini Dalpian (UFABC) as the Conference Chair, Carlos Cesar Bof Bufon (LNNANO) as the Program Chair and Flavio Leandro de Souza (UFABC) as General Secretary. At the international committee, the event features scientists from America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.
The latest editions of the B-MRS Meeting brought together between 1,100 and 2,000 participants from various countries around the world, who presented their contributions within the symposia.
See the event website: