– Almost 1,800 registrations.
– 95% from Brazil (from all regions and 23 states of the country, with São Paulo in front, with 30% of the total registered).
– 23 countries represented.
– 62% students: 42% post-graduates and 20% undergraduates.
– More than 2,000 papers presented (80% posters) in the 20 symposia and 2 workshops.
– 9 countries represented in the organization of the symposia and workshops.
– 8 plenary lectures, 3 discussion panels, 2 tutorials and 12 technical presentations of companies.
– 12 lecture rooms for simultaneous oral presentations.
– 43 exhibitors.
– 18 awards given to students.
Gabriel Maia
Boa tarde!
Preciso de ajuda para pegar um certificado da XV SBPMAT….para documentação comprobatória em um processo de mestrado. Poderiam me ajudar?