Featured Paper
Experiments carried out with quantum dots by Brazilian scientists revealed a situation in the energy band structure of these nanoparticles that had never before been observed in any material. The study was reported in Nano Letters. Know more.
Featured Scientist
We interviewed Heinz von Seggern, Professor at TU Darmstadt and former researcher at Bell Labs and Siemens. This distinguished German scientist, whose contributions range from fundamental research to invention of devices, has a history of interactions with the Brazilian materials community, including the pioneer Bernhard Gross. Know more.
News from B-MRS Members
Prof. Valmor Roberto Mastelaro (IFSC-USP) took over as editor of the Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Know more.
Founding member Prof. Fernando Galembeck (Unicamp) wins national award in the area of Nanotechnology. Know more.
XVIII B-MRS Meeting/ Encontro da SBPMat
(Balneário Camboriú, SC, Brazil, September 22 – 26, 2019)
Symposia. A large number of proposals was received. The list of approved symposia will be announced shortly.
Abstract submission. The important dates will be announced shortly.
Plenary speakers and Memorial Lecture. Find out what the plenary talks of the event will be and who will deliver the traditional Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro Memorial Lecture. See here.
Organization. The meeting chair is Prof. Ivan Helmuth Bechtold (Department of Physics, UFSC) and the co-chair is Prof. Hugo Gallardo (Department of Chemistry, UFSC).
Exhibitors and sponsors. Companies interested in participating in the event with booths or sponsoring can contact Alexandre at comercial@sbpmat.org.br.
Reading tips
After understanding the relationship between microstructure and properties in superalloy, scientists apply treatment that leaves this material even stronger and resistant at high temperatures, allowing its use in electric generators and nuclear reactors (Science Advances). Know more.
Scientists find experimental evidence that two-dimensional CrI3 material can behave as a magnetic topological insulator without having an external magnetic field, and point to the possibility of using the material in spintronics (Physical Review X). Know more.
Inspired by plant leaves, a polymer with a micro-channel network through which fluids circulate regulates its own temperature and generates thermoelectric energy, promising applications in health, civil construction, aerospace industry and more (Scientific Reports). Know more.
Scientists develop a transmission electron microscopy tool to study the interaction of light and matter in individual particles at the nano scale in real time and at very high resolution (Scientific Reports). Know more.
Postdoctoral fellowship in Condensed Matter Physics at the Federal University of ABC (SP, Brazil). Know more.
Postdoctoral fellowship at USP (SP, Brazil). Know more.
VII Curso de Análise de Minerais/Minérios pelas Técnicas de DRX e FRX. Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). December 10 – 14, 2018. Site.
International Workshop on Advanced Magnetic Oxides (IWAMO 2019). Aveiro (Portugal). April 15 – 17, 2019. Site.
- 2019 E-MRS Spring Meeting e IUMRS – ICAM. Nice (France). May 27 – 31, 2019. Site.
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