Application submission to the Young Researcher Award for post-docs is open.

YRA-2017The application submission for the “2017 Young Researcher Award” is open until March 31. The award, launched by SBPMat, is now in partnership with E-MRS (European Society of Materials Research).

Postdoctoral fellows, SBPMat members with paid annuity fees, who defended their doctorates as of 2010 can apply. Up to four postdocs will be selected. The winners will be announced on May 15.

The award winners will participate, with lodging expenses paid, in two invitation-only international events: “Forum for the Next Generation of Researchers 2017” (Strasbourg, France, 18-19 November 2017) and “6th World Materials Summit” (Strasbourg, France, 20-21 November 2017).

In the Forum for the Next Generation of Researchers, the SBPMat award winners will be part of a select international group of young researchers and will interact with each other and with world-renowned senior scientists. The program includes activities developed by pairs of young researchers from different countries, their poster presentations and talks from senior scientists.

The World Materials Summit is an event that in addition to the young researchers, brings together representatives of science, business and politics, invited by the event organization to discuss social and economic challenges that Materials Science and Technology can help solve. The theme of this edition will be “materials innovation for the world economy and for a sustainable society.”


More information about the award, in the announcement, is available HERE.

Information on how to pay SBPMat’s 2017 annuity and the advantages and reasons to join, HERE.

    • Kassio Zanoni

      Boa tarde. Penso em me inscrever, mas antes busquei informações sobre os dois eventos na Europa, porém não encontrei nenhum site na internet. Não achei nenhuma informação sobre o scopus do “Forum for the next gen of res” e achei apenas uma info falando que a ‘World material summit’ seria em Luxemburgo, não Estrasburgo, porém em datas diferentes da divulgada por vocês .
      Poderia me passar algum link desses eventos para eu me informar melhor?

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