Advanced School on Glasses and Glass-Ceramics. 100 positions available for top-quality Masters and PhD students.

The Advanced School on Glasses and Glass-Ceramics (G&GC São Carlos) will take place in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, in August 1-9, 2015. The School is organized by the CeRTEV (Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials and will be funded by FAPESP (The São Paulo Research Foundation) and the Department of Materials Engineering of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).

We are aiming at selecting 100 top-quality Masters and PhD students (50 Brazilians, and 50 foreigners from all over the world), with excellent CVs, who are currently doing research in the area of glasses and glass-ceramics. We will cover the international travel expenses to and from Brazil, as well as the hotel expenses, including breakfast, and lunch while in São Carlos, for nine nights. Internal travel expenses (for instance, to reach the international airports in other countries), compulsory health insurance, VISA application and dinners will not be covered. The travel expenses of Brazilian students coming to São Carlos will also be covered.

The theoretical and experimental lectures will be taught by the most senior faculty of the CeRTEV as well as by several well-known, highly experienced international invited instructors. The classes will cover the fundamentals of structure, relaxation processes, crystal nucleation, growth, overall crystallization, and properties (mechanical, electrical, optical and bio) of glasses and glass-ceramics.

Interested candidates are cordially invited to upload the following documents in the School’s website*:

  1. Letter of intent;
  2. CV (2-3 page biosketch). Only students working on glassand glass-ceramic research will be considered;
  3. Official (signed) declaration from your university proving that you are enrolled in a Masters or PhD program at the time of registration.

A signed recommendation letter should be sent directly from the thesis advisor to and and

Depending on the number of high-quality applications received the number of students per research group may be restricted. Submissions with incomplete documentation will not be considered.

Questions should be addressed to Professors Edgar D. Zanotto (, Marcello Andreeta ( or Hellmut Eckert (

Registration will be open from December 2014 to January 2015. The selected candidates will hear from us by February – March 2015.

 *School Website

Professor Edgar Zanotto (UFSCar) is honored for his actions for the development of the city of São Carlos.

Professor Edgar Dutra Zanotto. Photo: Enzo Kuratomi/ UFSCar.

On April 25th, the Materials field researcher Edgar Dutra Zanotto, one of the main founders of our Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat), received the title of Technology Pawn from the São Carlos city Science Park Foundation (ParqTec). Created in 1993, the title is granted to people who contributed substantially, by means of technological innovation, to enhance production, quality and competitively for products, processes and services in companies. The ceremony, held in the São Carlos Science Park, was attended by researchers and entrepreneurs, as well as local and regional authorities. In the same ceremony, Professor José Guilherme Sabe also received the title.

According to the chairman of the ParqTec board, Irineu Gualtieri, the award was granted to the Professors due their actions for the development of the city. “With their pioneering spirit and innovation, the laureates have been contributing in a substantial way for the construction of the Brazilian Technology Capital [São Carlos], developing researches, implanting projects and encouraging the rise of new companies” Gualtieri said. “The laureates have all features of a Technology Pawn. They are dynamic, strategic, innovative, active, transparent and human”, concluded the president of ParqTec, Sylvio Goulart Rosa Jr.

About Professor Edgar Dutra Zanotto

Professor Edgar Dutra Zanotto is a Materials Engineer by UFSCar, Master in Physics by IFSC – USP, and PhD in Glass Technology by the University of Sheffield, in England. He worked as a Visiting Professor in the department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Arizona in 1987, and in the College of Optics and Photonics of the University of Central Florida in 2005, both in the USA.

The researcher, full Professor in the Materials Engineering Department at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), and member of ParqTec Curators Council, received in 2012 the Almirante Álvaro Alberto national science and technology award. Zanotto was granted with more 25 awards, which include three of the most important in glass sciences (Zachariasen Award, granted by the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vittorio Gottardi Prize by International Commission on Glass, and G. W. Morey Award by the American Ceramic Society).

The research activities of the Professor and his collaborators focus mainly on the theme of crystallization and properties of glass.  They have published more than 200 papers and executed more than twenty projects jointly with companies. Zanotto also has 12 registered patents, two of which received awards from the Brazilian Ministry of Education and IBM, as well as the national contest State Governor Award for Brazilian inventions, in 1996.

Zanotto is level 1A (the highest one) CNPq researcher, member of the United Kingdom Society of Glass Technology, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (ACIESP), the World Academy of Ceramics (WAC), and The World Academy of Science (TWAS) for the advancement of science in developing countries.

Professor Zanotto also worked as deputy coordinator in the scientific division of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), from 1995 to 2005, taking an active part in the conception and implantation of several projects for the development of research and scientific dissemination. Currently, he accumulates the following managing and consulting functions: director of  CeRTEV – Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials, supervisor of the Vitreous Materials Laboratory (LaMaV) at UFSCar, chief editor of the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, secretary of the glass and optical materials division of ACerS (EUA), vice-chair of the technical committee on glass crystallization of the International Commission on Glass; member of the councils of International Materials Institute (USA), ACIESP and IMPA; director of the Brazilian Ceramics Association, and Curator of Parqtec, since 1984.

(Text based on the press released provided by ParqTec)

Vagas no Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais da UFSCar.

Estão abertas as inscrições para três concursos para Professor Adjunto no Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais (DEMa) da UFSCar, no campus de São Carlos (SP). As inscrições encerram no dia 30 de novembro (um deles) e 10 de dezembro (os outros dois). Mais informações e inscrições: