The call for symposia proposals for the XV SBPMat Meeting is open until February 11th. The event will be held from September 25 to 29, 2016 in the city of Campinas (SP), in the convention center Expo D. Pedro.
Any researcher with doctoral degree, working in educational/research institution or company in Brazil or abroad, may submit a symposium proposal on any issues in the field of Materials Science and Technology.
Proposals must be filled online and must contain the title and scope of the symposium, the list of subjects covered, the contact data of the organizers and the preliminary list of invited speakers.
After submission, proposals will be evaluated by the commission of events at SBPMat and by the organizers of the meeting, and then they will be submitted to the SBPMat board.
The thematic symposia are the main axis in the program of SBPMat annual events. At the meeting held in Rio de Janeiro in 2015, more than 2,300 papers were presented in 26 symposia, covering a wide range of topics, such as carbon nanostructures, biomaterials, materials for sustainable development, materials for electronics and photonics, characterization techniques, computer simulation, safe use of nanomaterials, among others.
Event website:
Form for symposia proposals submission:
[Upon finalizing the submission, ‘Symposium proposal successfully sent!’ must show up in your browser]
Sugestão: Grafeno
Cristina Bormio Nunes
Sugestão de simpósio:
Materiais Magnéticos e Supercondutores