New Year message.

In this message of New Year to the community of B-MRS/ SBPMat, in Brazil and abroad, my first words are of gratitude to all who contributed to the activities of B-MRS, especially at our Annual Meeting held in late September in Campinas. In spite of the difficulties that Brazil is experiencing, we had a significant number of participants, from all regions of the country and from many other countries. Particularly gratifying was observing the high scientific level of the Meeting, which is already a tradition of our Society, and the participation of large numbers of students. The vibrant performance of our young people is the guarantee of the continuity of quality research on materials.

It was also promising to follow the achievements and contributions of Brazilian researchers in diverse areas of materials research, many of them reported in our newsletters. It is a demonstration not only of the quality of our community, but also of its resilience to get through difficult times.

May I take the liberty of transmitting my personal wishes for a very successful 2017, looking forward to meeting the whole B-MRS community in Gramado, from September 10 to 14, for our next Meeting.

Professor Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior

B-MRS President


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