B-MRS Newsletter. Year 7, issue 3.


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Newsletter of the
Brazilian Materials
Research Society

Year 7, issue 3. April 6, 2020.

B-MRS News

– B-MRS annual event. Due to the uncertainties related to COVID-19, and to prevent putting our community’s health at risk, the Organizing Committee of the event, the Executive Board of B-MRS and IUMRS have decided to postpone the event “XIX B-MRS Meeting + IUMRS ICEM.” More information is at the event’s website: https://www.sbpmat.org.br/19encontro/.

Featured Paper

A Brazilian scientific team developed a molecular machine that stores drugs in internal nanochannels, transports them in a physiological medium and releases them by opening a nanocap only when the acidity of the medium increases, which usually occurs around cancer cells. In in vitro studies, the nanomachine was more effective than the pure drug in eliminating cancer cells. The work was recently reported in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Know more.


STI Policies

We interviewed Mariana Mazza, a professional who has worked for more than 3 years monitoring Brazilian government actions with a possible impact on STI and working with parliamentarians to defend scientific research. She told us what her work consists of, the main victories achieved and her next challenges at a time marked by difficulties and uncertainties. See interview.

mariana mazza news

News from B-MRS Members

– Professor Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior (IFSC-USP), former president of B-MRS, signs a text on Brazilian science published in one of the main Brazilian newspapers. Know more.

Materials Research Community

– The first death by Covid-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Norte is professor Luiz Di Souza (UERN).

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(Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil,
August 29 – September 2, 2021)

The event is postponed owing to Covid-19.

New date: August 29 to September 2, 2021.

Same venue: Rafain Convention Center – Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil).

Abstract submission: A new schedule will be released.

Event website: www.sbpmat.org.br/19encontro/

Owing to the uncertainties related to the COVID-19, and in order to reduce the risk of hampering the health of our community, the Organizing Committee, the Executive Board of the B-MRS and the IUMRS decided to postpone the 2020 B-MRS and the IUMRS/ICEM meetings.

The conferences are now scheduled to happen from August 29th until September 2nd, 2021, in the city of Iguassu Falls, at the Rafain Convention Center. All participants will be asked to resubmit their abstracts following a new schedule to be released.

Reading Tips

– Researcher at Northeastern University (USA) suggests nanomedicine as an approach for possible treatments of the new coronavirus: nanoparticles the size of the virus that can detect it, adhere to it and make it inactive within the organism. Know more.

– How long does the new coronavirus “live” in different materials? Does the “life” time outside the cells justify its extremely high dissemination? US scientists’ work explained this. Know more.

– Using one of the best supercomputers in the world, scientists are building a model that will show all the atoms in the “shell” of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing the Covid-19 pandemic) and the interaction between them. The computational model should help understand in detail how the virus acts in the cells and to develop drugs and vaccines to fight the disease. Know more.

Do you know of any initiative or opportunity in the materials research and innovation community that contributes or could contribute to the fight against Covid-19 in any of its aspects? Share with the community. Write to comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br

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You can suggest news, opportunities, events or reading tips in the materials field to be covered by B-MRS Newsletter. Write to comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br.




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