B-MRS newsletter. Year 4, issue 6.


The newsletter of the Brazilian Materials Research Society News update from Brazil for the Materials community
English edition. Year 4, issue 6.

XVI B-MRS Meeting (Gramado, Brazil, September 10-14)

Registration – discounts. Registration is open. All categories have discounts until August 31st. See here the different values for B-MRS members (you can become a member during registration) and for non-members. Attention: The registration fee of the event + B-MRS membership fee is less than the registration fee of the event for non-members.

Student Awards. Contributions of undergraduate or graduate students that are accepted for presentation at the event, may compete for awards from B-MRS and from the American Chemical Society (ACS) publisher. Up to 46 works will be awarded. The top 6 (3 posters and 3 oral) will receive cash prizes. To participate in the selection the author must submit by August 14 an extended abstract supplemented to the conventional abstract. Learn more about student awards, here.

Mini courses. On Sunday, September 10, those enrolled in the event will be able to attend, at no extra cost, the mini courses on scientific writing and publication, taught by Prof. Valtencir Zucolotto and by professionals of the Elsevier publishing house. More information and reservation, coming soon.

Plenary lectures. Seven internationally renowned scientists will speak about cutting edge research on subjects such as materials for biomedical and environmental applications; biomimetic surfaces; heterogeneous catalysis; materials and technologies for miniaturized electronic circuits; piezoelectric films and their energy, optics and electronics applications. Learn more by clicking on the speakers’ photos, here.

Memorial lecture. At the opening of the event, SBPMat will pay homage to Professor João Alziro H. da Jornada, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), who will deliver the traditional Memorial Lecture “Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro”.

Venue. The FAURGS event center is in the center of Gramado, within walking distance of restaurants, shops, tourist attraction spots and hotels.

City of the event. Gramado is a charming tourist town, with a wide and qualified chain of hotels, gastronomic restaurants and shops. This attractive city is also the starting point for a series of sightseeing highlights that explores the area’s natural florid beauty, its history marked by German and Italian immigration, and the theme parks around the city.

Organization. Meet the organizing committee. Here.

Exhibitors. 23 companies have already confirmed their participation in the industrial exhibition. Contact for sponsoring and exhibition issues: Alexandre, comercial@sbpmat.org.br.  

Featured paper

A team of researchers from the Nanotechnology Brazilian National Lab has developed a paper-based electrochemical sensor having, as a conductive material, graphite film, obtained through the simple technique of painting the paper with an ordinary pencil. After making some adjustments to the manufacturing process of the sensor, the scientific team achieved exceptional performance of the device in detecting a biological compound present in all living cells, but particularly difficult to detect. The research was recently reported in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. See our news story.

People from our community

Our interviewee is João Alziro Herz da Jornada, who will be honored by SBPMat through the Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro Memorial Lecture during the society’s 16th annual event. Jornada was a professor at the Physics Institute of UFRGS for more than four decades, until his retirement in 2016. He also held various management positions in science and technology institutions, such as the presidency of the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology, where he worked for 11 years. A pioneer in Brazil in the study of the effects of high pressures on materials, Jornada also made important contributions on superhard materials. He is the author of papers published in journals of high impact factor, notably Science and Nature. In the interview, the researcher recalled how his fascination with science emerged, describing his main contributions to the field of materials. He also presented us with an inspirational message for the young readers, in which he spoke about the various dimensions that make scientific activity a rich and stimulating human experience. Jornada also told us what he will address in his memorial lecture in September in Gramado: the complex mechanisms that generate economic and social impact from basic research – a very relevant topic in the current setting of research funding cuts in Brazil. See the interview.

Reading tips

  • Nanoparticles in the human body: study proposes an in vitro test mode that best simulates in vivo conditions (based on paper from Small). Here.
  • Scientists from Brazilian institutions advance in the understanding of friction by providing experimental evidence of the influence of phonons on the phenomena at the nano scale (based on paper from Scientific Reports). Here.
  • Scientists develop LDH nanotubes hosting quantum dots and create a luminescent material (based on paper from Chemical Communications). Here.
  • Impact Factors 2016: see the highlights in journals from the materials field of the Elsevier and Wiley publishers.


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Condensed Matter Physics. Here.


  • 1ª Escola Brasileira de Síncrotron (EBS).
    Campinas, SP (Brazil). July 10 – 21, 2017.Site.
  • 2º Ciclo de Minicursos de Cristalografia. Juiz de Fora, MG (Brazil). July,10 – 21, 2017. Site.
  • XI Brazilian Symposium on Glass and Related Materials (XI Brazglass). Curitiba, PR (Brazil). July 13 – 16, 2017. Site.
  • VIII Método Rietveld de Refinamento de Estrutura. Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). July 24 – 28, 2017. Site.
  • XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Aplicações de Vácuo na Indústria e na Ciência (CBRAVIC) + III Workshop de Tratamento e Modificação de Superfícies (WTMS). São José dos Campos (Brazil). August 21 – 25, 2017. Site.
  • IUMRS-ICAM 2017. Kyoto (Japan). August 27 – Setember 1, 2017. Site.
  • International Conference on Luminescence (ICL-2017).  João Pessoa (Brazil). August 27 – September 1, 2017.
  • 23a Reunião da Associação Brasileira de Cristalografia. Vitória, ES (Brazil).  September 5 – 9 2017. Site.
  • XVI Encontro da SBPMat/ XVI B-MRS Meeting. Gramado, RS (Brazil). September 10 – 14, 2017. Site.
  • 18th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-18). Foz do Iguaçu, PR (Brazil). September 12 – 15 2017. Site.
  • 2ª Conferência Nacional em Materiais Celulares (MatCel’2017) + Conferência Internacional em Dinâmica de Materiais Celulares (DynMatCel’2017). Aveiro (Portugal). September 25 – 27, 2017. 

  • 1st Pan American Congress of Nanotechnology. Fundamentals and Applications to Shape the Future. Guarujá, SP (Brazil). November 7 – 30 2017. Site.

Submit your suggestion for any section of our newsletter: comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br





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