B-MRS Newsletter. Year 5, issue 10.


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Newsletter of the
Brazilian Materials
Research Society

Year 5, issue 10. November 9, 2018.
B-MRS News

The call for symposia proposals of the XVIII B-MRS Meeting (Balneário Camboriú, Brazil, September 22-26, 2019) will remain open until November 18. Groups of researchers from Brazil or abroad who wish to organize a symposium at the next B-MRS annual event should fill out a brief form by November 18. Know more.

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The University Chapters Program of B-MRS has a new coordinator, Professor Newton Martins Barbosa Neto (UFPA). Find out what are, in the coordinator’s view, the next challenges of this program that bridges the materials community of today and tomorrow, here.

Newton_ UCs_news

Featured Paper

A Brazilian team of Materials and Computer scientists has developed a computational tool (an artificial neural network) that is able to effectively predict an important property of glass that changes according to the composition of the material. The work was reported in the scientific journal Acta Materialia and should make the research work and development of glass faster and cheaper. Know more.

redes neurais news

Featured Scientists

We interviewed the authors of four doctoral thesis on materials topics (biosensors for disease detection and spectroscopy of materials with very low dimensions) who were selected to receive a Brazilian national award (the Capes Thesis Award). Meet these prominent newly graduated doctors and their scientific and social high-impact work, here.

premio capes news

News from B-MRS Members

  • B-MRS founding member Sergio Rezende (UFPE) is the author of an article in the News & Views section of Nature on antiferromagnetic materials and spintronics, in which he reports on recent findings on the subject. See here.

  • B-MRS founding member Elson Longo (UFSCar and UNESP) and collaborators presented at the Congress of the Argentine Nation a device based on sensors developed by the team, which interrupts the emission of toxic and explosive gases when it detects dangerous levels in the environment – a problem that causes more than 250 deaths and 2,000 annual poisonings in that country. Know more.
  • B-MRS founding member Angelo Fernando Padilha (EPUSP) received the Felippe Carneiro Medal, a Brazilian distinction for personalities who stood out in the development of peaceful nuclear energy applications. Know more.

  • B-MRS member Victor Carlos Pandolfelli (UFSCar) is co-author of 2 of the 3 papers awarded in a conference of refractory materials held in Colombia. Know more.

Reading Tips

  • A couple of scientists that includes a young Brazilian physicist discovered the possibility of controlling electronic properties of graphene through electric fields (cover paper of Physical Review Letters). Know more.

  • Scientists mimic nature by producing peptide-based materials capable of forming and breaking down structures, thus changing their properties. The structures are particularly interesting for medicine (Science paper). Know more.

  • Using a supercomputer, scientists predict the properties of hybrid (organic-inorganic) two-dimensional materials of perovskite structure, intended for solar cells and LEDs (paper of Physical Review Letters). Know more.


  • 3rd International Brazilian Conference on Tribology (TriboBR 2018). Florianópolis, SC (Brazil). December 3 – 5, 2018. Site.

  • III Workshop on Environmental Nanotechnology. Sorocaba, SP (Brazil). December 5 – 8, 2018. Site.

  • II Simpósio Nacional de Nanobiotecnologia (IISNNB). São Bernardo do Campo, SP (Brazil). December 6 – 7, 2018. Site.

  • VII Curso de Análise de Minerais/Minérios pelas Técnicas de DRX e FRX. Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). December 10 – 14, 2018. Site.

  • XVIII B-MRS Meeting. Balneário Camboriú, SC (Brazil). December 22 – 26, 2019.

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You can suggest news, opportunities, events or reading tips in the Materials field to be covered by B-MRS Newsletter. Write to comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br.



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