Pesquisa em eletrocerâmica acena com dispositivos capazes de revolucionar o dia a dia.

Com esse título, a reportagem da Agência Fapesp aborda o conceito de eletrocerâmica e algumas das aplicações mais promissoras desse tipo de material. Na matéria falam, desde a 6ª Conferência Internacional em Eletrocerâmica, realizada em João Pessoa (PB) com apoio da SBPMat, o criador da conferência, professor Harry Tuller (MIT), e os coordenadores da sexta edição do evento, professores Reginaldo Muccillo (Ipen) e José Arana Varela (Unesp).

Veja a reportagem.



6th International Conference on Electroceramics – ICE2013.

6th International Conference on Electroceramics – ICE2013
João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, 9-13 November 2013
Chairs: R. Muccillo (IPEN), J. A. Varela (UNESP), J. A. Eiras (UFSCar)

The Brazilian MRS – SBPMat will organize the 6th International Conference on Electroceramics – ICE2013 to be held in João Pessoa, Brazil, 9-13 November 2013.

This conference is a forum for the exchange of ideas, advancement of the science, and discussions of the state-of-the-art in Electroceramics R&D, including Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics and Pyroelectrics, Thermoelectrics, Conductors (Ionic, Electronic and Mixed), Magnetic and Superconducting ceramics, Photonic and Electro-optical ceramics, Materials for Lithium Batteries and other Energy Storage Technologies, Applications to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Membrane Technology, Sensor and Actuator Devices, Solar Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Cells, Interfacial Engineering and Superlattices, Magneto-electric coupling and Multiferroics, Modeling and Simulation.

Further information may be found in