2,325 works are accepted for oral presentation or poster in the XIV SBPMat Meeting (Rio De Janeiro, September 27th to October 1st). The number is the greatest in the history of the meetings of the society.The amount of submitted works was 2,444.
This year the meeting has 26 thematic symposia, 2 workshops (on nanomanufacturing and organic electronics in the industry) and 1 symposium organized by students who belong to the SBPMat university chapters (UCs).The symposia with more accepted works (more than 200 accepted abstracts) are symposium C, on characterization and applications of nanomateriais, with 272 works, and symposium S, on materials for sustainable development, with 253 works.
Among the accepted works, those submitted by authors who are undergraduate or graduate students will be able to compete for the Bernhard Gross Award, who will distinguish the best works from each symposium (1 oral and 1 poster).To participate of the award, the authors have to submit an extended abstract, according to the instructions and the model that appears in the website of the event, until August 21.
About the event
The SBPMat annual meeting is a traditional, international forum, dedicated to recent advances and perspectives on Materials Science and Technology. In the last editions, the event has gathered approximately 1,500 attendees, from the five regions of Brazil and dozens of others countries, for presenting and discussing scientific and technological studies in the field of Materials. The event also counts with plenary lectures, offered by internationally renowned researchers, and an exhibition of interest for the Materials community.