XIII SBPMat meeting: registrations, program highlights and thanks in the message from the chairs.

Dear readers,

We hope to see you at the XIII Brazilian Materials Research Society Meeting, held on 28 September to 02 October, 2014, in João Pessoa, PB, Brazil. This year the meeting has 2,141 accepted abstracts and, up to this moment, almost 2,000 inscriptions from Brazil and other 27 countries.

The XIII Meeting is comprised of 19 Symposia following the format used in tradicional meetings of Materials Research Societies, involving topics as synthesis of new materials, computer simulations, optical, magnetic and electronic properties, traditional materials as clays and cements, advanced metals, carbon and graphene nanostructures, nanomaterials for nanostructures, energy storage systems, composites, surface engineering and others. A novelty is a symposium dedicated to the innovation and technology transfer in materials research. The program also includes 7 Plenary Lectures presented by internationally renowned researchers.

This year, the B-MRS will present the results of two important actions from our society. The first one is the meeting of the B-MRS directory with the University Chapters (UC) already established and the students who want to establish other UC´s. The second one is the launch of the IOP publication on behalf of the B-MRS, Materials Science Impact, reporting advances in Materials Research in Brazil.

The Opening Ceremony will be followed by the Memorial Lecture “Joaquim Costa Ribeiro”, Progresses in Materials Research in Brazil by Professor José Arana Varela. During the Closing Ceremony the symposium coordinators will honor students with the “Bernhard Gross Award” for the best poster and the best oral presentation of each Symposium.

On behalf of Organizing Committee, we would like to thank the Brazilian Materials Research Society staff and board, the hired agencies, the symposium coordinators, the program, local and national committee members, for their commitment and great effort to make this Meeting possible.

We hope that the participants will have a very pleasant Meeting with stimulating exchange of scientific informations and establishment of new collaborations.

Ieda M. Garcia dos Santos and Severino Jackson Guedes de Lima

Meeting Chairs


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