The XIII SBPMat Meeting, to be held in João Pessoa from September 28 to October 02nd has registered more than 2,100 submitted papers – a record in the history of the Society’s annual meetings.
Among the 19 symposia of the event this year, the ones which received more submissions, holding over 200, were the symposium N, dedicated to Surface Engineering; M, on nanomaterials for nanomedicine, and B, about ceramic and metallic materials obtained through chemical methods.
The term for submitting abstracts ended on June 13. Until July 15, the authors of the submitted papers will be notified about their approval, necessary modifications or rejection.
Bernhard Gross Award
Among the accepted papers, the ones submitted by undergraduate or graduate students may compete for the Bernard Gross Award. With this award, the committee of the XIII SBPMat Meeting will distinguish the best papers presented by students in each symposium (one poster and one oral presentation, at most). The winning papers may be published in a special issue of the open access journal “IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering” dedicated to the XIII SBPMat Meeting, with no cost for the authors. To take part in the contest, the authors, once they are notified of the approval, must send an extended abstract, in compliance with the instructions and the model offered at the site of the event.
About the event
The SBPMat annual meeting is a traditional, international forum, dedicated to recent advances and perspectives on Materials Science and Technology. In the last editions, the event has gathered approximately 1,500 attendees, from the five regions of Brazil and dozens of others countries, for presenting and discussing scientific and technological studies in the field of Materials. The event also counts with plenary lectures, offered by internationally renowned researchers, and an exhibition of interest for the Materials community.
- Resubmission of papers after being notified about necessary changes: up to July 10.
- Notification of the accepted abstracts: up to July 15.
- Submission of extended abstracts for the Bernhard Gross award: from July 15 to August 08.