Professor Victor Carlos Pandolfelli, of the Department of Materials Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos (DEMa-UFSCar) was chosen to serve as one of the editors-in-chief of the journal Ceramics International. The international journal with 41 years of history is published by Elsevier. It currently has an acceptance rate of 25% of the articles submitted.
Pandolfelli completed his doctorate in Leeds (UK) in 1989 and in 1996 and 1997 he completed his postdoctoral studies at the École Polytechnique in Montreal (Canada). He is full professor at DEMa-UFSCar, member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, full member of the World Academy of Ceramics, a fellow of the American Ceramic Society, full member of the Brazilian National Academy of Engineering and guest professor at Wuhan University of Science and Technology (China). He is a member of the board of the World Academy of Ceramics (2014-2018), member of the International Technical Board of Morgan International (England) and Latin American coordinator of the FIRE (Federation for International Refractories Research and Education), which involves 10 universities in different countries and 17 leading companies in the refractory area. He is the author of 480 articles published in scientific journals and two books. He has received 12 international awards.