Professor Edgar Dutra Zanotto (DEMa – UFSCar), founding member of B-MRS, is one of two authors of the article selected by the American Ceramic Society to receive the Spriggs Phase Equilibrium Award of 2019. Entitled “Simple model for particle phase transformation kinetics,” the the award-winning article was published in the journal Acta Materialia in August 2018.
Since 2003, the award has distinguished the best contributions to the study of phase stability in ceramic-based systems among the works published in the calendar year prior to the award in the scientific literature (periodicals, books, bulletins, etc.).
The prize will be given on September 30 this year in Portland (USA) during the 121st ACerS Annual Meeting.
Paper: Reis, Raphael M. C. V. ; Zanotto, Edgar D. Simple model for particle phase transformation kinetics. ACTA MATERIALIA; v. 154, p. 228-236, AUG 1 2018