Postdoctoral Fellowship in Condensed Matter Physics.

The Laboratory of Nanostructured Films and Spectroscopy at São Paulo State University (UNESP),, campus in Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil, invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship in the field of micro-Raman and SERS (surface-enhanced Raman scattering) spectroscopy, and Cell Membrane Models funded by Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) contract.  The successful candidate will conduct research on the molecular interaction between analytes of interest and cell membrane models, which includes the following activities:

  1. Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles applied as “SERS substrate”.
  2. Incorporation of such nanoparticles in Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films and vesicles of phospholipids, applied as cell membrane models.
  3. Investigate the interactions between the analytes of interest and the cell membrane models using micro-Raman and SERS spectroscopy.
  4. From the results, propose molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction cell membrane models/analytes.
  5. Develop a methodology that allows investigating the cell membrane models in a complementary way using both micro-Raman techniques (SERS) and confocal fluorescence microscopy.

The fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (18 months), starting at September/01/2017.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, or related fields.  Experience in phospholipid self-assembly and basic optical microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy is required.   The successful candidate must have excellent communication skills and excel in a highly collaborative research environment. In addition to the timely publication of research results in peer-reviewed journals, the responsibilities of the postdoc include drafting progress reports.  Interested individuals should send (i) CV with the list of publications and (II) two letters of recommendation to The deadline for application is July /31/2017.

Available facilities:!/departamentos/fisica-quimica-e-biologia/laboratorios/lab-filmes-finos-e-esp-raman/


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