A team of students from the Brazilian Federal University of ABC (UFABC) created the twelfth unit of B-MRS’s University Chapters (UCs) program. The new UC is made up of 4 Master’s degree students in Materials Science and Engineering and 6 Master’s students in Nanosciences and Advanced Materials, in addition to the group advisor, Professor Márcio Gustavo Di Vernieri Cuppari.
“We hope to bring together the students of the two postgraduate programs, as well as undergraduate students,” says Isabela Coutinho, president of UC – UFABC. “We hope that these meetings, in the form of scientific events, will facilitate the dissemination of the materials area among students of the ABC community. We also hope to enrich the education of undergraduate and graduate students through the influence of B-MRS,” adds the Master’s student in Materials, who won one of the Bernhard Gross Awards at the XVIII B-MRS Meeting, held from 22 to 26 September of this year in Balneário Camboriú.
To this end, the team plans to invite internal and external researchers to lectures and workshops and to hold scientific outreach meetings and exchange experiences. In addition, says the president, the team would like to receive suggestions for activities that have been successfully performed in other UCs and which can be carried out by the UFABC group.
The UC – UFABC, which was created on August 1st of this year, has a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/UCUFABC/) where it has already started to promote its activities.
Within the UCs program, B-MRS has 12 teams of students from federal, state and community universities located in the five Brazilian regions. These groups develop complementary activities to their academic development.
Learn about the B-MRS UCs Program and the units created so far: http://sbpmat.org.br/en/university-chapters/