B-MRS Newsletter. Year 9, issue 10.



Year 9, issue 10. December 9th, 2022.

Featured paper

Brazilian researchers prepared black titanium dioxide using a simple and scalable method and used this low-cost photosensitive nanomaterial as a photoanode in a fuel cell. The device was able to generate electricity, with very high efficiency, using organic compounds as fuel and sunlight as the energy source. The work was reported in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Know more.

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If you are the author of high-quality scientific work, carried out wholly or mostly in Brazil and published in a journal with a high impact factor, and you want to publicize it in our community, contact us to have your paper considered in the monthly selection of the “Featured paper”: comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br.

XXI B-MRS Meeting
Maceió (Alagoas state, Brazil), October 1st to 5th, 2023


Call for symposia. Groups of researchers who want to organize a symposium on their research topic within the next B-MRS Meeting can submit a proposal by filling in a simple form. The call ends this Saturday, December 10th. Access the symposium submission form.

Venue. The venue for the event will be the Ruth Cardoso Cultural and Exhibition Center, in the city of Maceió. Know more.

Chairmen. The general coordinators of the event are two professors from the Brazilian Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) and research productivity fellows: Carlos Jacinto da Silva, from the Institute of Physics, and Mario Roberto Meneghetti, from the Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology.


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Prof. Sergio Machado Rezende (UFPE), a founding member of B-MRS, is part of the science and technology team of the government transition. The group was tasked with carrying out a diagnosis of the area and proposing measures. Rezende was the Brazilian Minister of S&T (2005 – 2010), among other management positions, and has world-class production in Physics of Materials.

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Prof. Edvani Curti Muniz (UTFPR, UFPI and UEM) is the new coordinator of the Materials Area at CAPES, the Brazilian federal agency in charge of the quality of graduate programs. His name was one of the five sent to CAPES by B-MRS in September of this year after consulting our members. Edvani has extensive experience in academic management positions and a solid scientific career.

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Prof. Ana Flávia Nogueira (UNICAMP), member of the B-MRS Council, was admitted as a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and elected a permanent member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences – two peer recognitions for her scientific career and leadership. She has important contributions in emerging materials for solar cells and she heads the Center for Innovation on New Energies, which has near 300 researchers.

If you are a B-MRS member and want to share news about your professional activities in our community, please contact us: comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br.

Papers from the community


This work led by Prof. Helinando Pequeno de Oliveira (UNIVASF), a B-MRS member, describes the simple production of a low-cost flexible triboelectric nanogenerator based on PVA membranes with fibroin (material extracted from the silkworm). The device, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, is promising for use in wearable electronics. Go to the paper in Nano Energy: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.108035.

amine gas

This review article with authors of our Brazilian community was highlighted by ACS Sensors as one of the most read among those recently published. The text brings a review of the advances achieved in the last decade in amine sensors and points out ways to continue the development of these devices, which allow monitoring the quality of food and avoiding wastage. Access the article: https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.2c00639.

If you are the author of an impactful paper in the Materials area and wish to share it with our community, please contact us: comunicacao@sbpmat.org.br.


– B-MRS repudiated a recent decree of the federal government, which prohibited financial disbursements in the month of December, preventing the payment of around 200,000 student and postdoc scholarships. The Society sympathized with the scholarship holders at this difficult time and demanded the immediate recomposition of the budget.


– Open until December 15: Call for proposals to carry out experiments on Sirius, the new Brazilian laboratory of synchrotron light. Researchers from Brazilian and foreign institutions in Latin American and Caribbean countries can also request financial assistance for travel and lodging in Campinas. Know more.

– Opportunities for PhDs at the Center for Innovation on New Energies within a project on graphene and niobium oxide solar modules, to be carried out mainly at UNICAMP. Registration until December 16. Know more

– Open until February 15: Applications for the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Materials Science and Engineering AMASE – a joint program of universities in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria and Sweden, with scholarships for the best students. Know more.

To follow the opportunities in the area, enter the B-MRS group on Linkedin.

Upcoming events

– 11th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society (AMRS2022 ). Dakar (Senegal). December 12th to 15th, 2022. Website.

– Webinar (In-)visibility of women in science: historical perspectives. Online. December 16, 2022. Website.

– II Encuentro de Investigadores en Ciencia de Materiales. Montevideo (Uruguay). April 20 and 21, 2023. Website.

41st International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics (VUVX 2023). Campinas, (São Paulo). July 3 to 7, 2023. Website.

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