B-MRS Newsletter. Year 8, issue 10.



Newsletter of the
Brazilian Materials
Research Society

Year 8, issue 10. December 3, 2021.

B-MRS elections

– The voting period for the election of the new Executive Board and members of the Deliberative Council is open until December 14th.

– All members who are up to date with their annuity are able to vote.

– Voting will be performed online. To vote, each member must access their personal account on the B-MRS website entering login and password. If the member is up to date with the annual fee, the link to vote will be available on the main page.

Featured paper

A computational study carried out at UFSCar sheds new light on the understanding of fundamental issues of supercooled liquids and glasses, opening perspectives for the production of new vitreous materials. The research was published in Acta Materialia. Know more.


Papers suggested by the community

In an article featured on the cover of Advanced Materials, researchers from CNPEM and UNICAMP report the design and characterization of new ultra-compact platforms of three-dimensional electrochemical organic transistors, in addition to their applications in monitoring the oxidation of dopamine – a biomarker related to neurodegenerative diseases in humans. Access the paper https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202101518.

Also in a cover article in Advanced Materials, researchers from Embrapa and UFSCar, in collaboration with scientists from abroad, review a very important issue for the circular economy: the production of advanced multifunctional materials (bioplastics) from the recycling of agrifood waste. Access the paper https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202170342.

XX B-MRS Meeting

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The organizing committee received 33 symposium proposals!

The list of approved symposia will be released by December 20th.

The event will be held in Foz do Iguaçu from 25 to 29 September 2022.

The coordinators are professors Lucimara Stolz Roman (UFPR) and Marcela Mohallen Oliveira (UTFPR).

Event Website: https://www.sbpmat.org.br/20encontro/


– Nominations for awards (lectureships) bestowed by journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry for early-career researchers with contributions in the fields of polymers (see here), biomaterials (see here) and soft matter (see here) are open. Deadline: 12/31/21.

– LNNano – CNPEM has called for research proposals for the use of its electron microscopy equipment. Submission is open until 12/23/21. Know more.

– Postdoctoral opportunities at IPEN and UFABC linked to the Center for Innovation on New Energies (CINE). Applications until 12/25/21. Know more.

News from B-MRS members

Professor Daniel Mario Ugarte (UNICAMP), founding member of B-MRS, was sworn in as a member of TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) in a virtual ceremony held on November 4th. Know more.


Reading tips

– Based on copper and nanocellulose, a new thin and flexible material with excellent capacity to conduct ions is promising for safer, more efficient and sustainable batteries than the current ones (Nature). Know more.

– Researchers from the IFGW-UNICAMP and collaborators from abroad study properties and defects of boron nitride monolayers and open possibilities for applying the material as a UVC light source, used to inactivate microorganisms (2D Materials). Know more.

– An article describes a lesser-known aspect of the ever-engaging life story of scientist Mildred Dresselhaus: her unique style of teaching Solid State Physics at MIT and her mentoring work for the (very few) girls who studied Physics at the institution in the 1970s. Know more.


-B-MRS supported the tweet for the defense of the Brazilian post-graduation held on 11/29. Know more.

– B-MRS signed an open letter in defense of the evaluation process of Brazilian postgraduate courses. Know more.

– B-MRS expressed solidarity with the coordinators of the Physics/Astronomy Area of CAPES who resigned. Know more.

– B-MRS supported the tweet for the release of resources for Brazilian science and for the readjustment of scholarships, carried out on 11/23. Know more.


– III Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Maternidade e Ciência. Online. December 6 to 10, 2021. Website.

– 5th International Conference on Applied Surface Science. Palma, Mallorca (Spain). April 25 to 28, 2022. Website.

– 2022 E-MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit. May 30 to June 3, 2022. Website.

– 4th Workshop on Coated Tools & Multifunctional Thin Films. Campinas, SP (Brazil). July 20 to 23, 2022. Website.

– XVIII International Small Angle Scattering Conference. Campinas, SP (Brazil). September 11 to 16, 2022. Website.

– XX B-MRS Meeting. Foz do Iguaçu, PR (Brazil). September 25 to 29, 2022. Website.

– 11th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society (AMRS2022 ). Dakar (Senegal). December 12 to 15, 2022. Website.

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