B-MRS elections
– The electoral commission received the registration of a candidate slate for the Executive Board of B-MRS. Find out who the members of the slate are here.
– Registration of members who would like to be part of the Deliberative Council remains open until November 15th. Contact by email eleicoes2021@sbpmat.org.br
– Learn more about the B-MRS 2021 electoral process here.
– Meet the members of the electoral commission that is conducting the process here.
Featured paper
Researchers from Pernambuco institutions report a simple and clean method to synthesize composites of nanotubes and quantum dots that can be used as photoanodes to produce hydrogen from water molecules and sunlight. The article was published in the Journal of Power Sources. Know more.
Papers suggested by the community
Researchers from UNESP, together with collaborators from Germany and the USA, studied the free radicals of melanin, a pigment that has aroused great interest due to its possible applications in bioelectronic devices. They used a magnetic field almost 30 times greater than that found in the literature to increase the sensitivity of the EPR technique and thus be able to distinguish free radical species. Access the paper here.
Student Awards 2021
We invited the winners of the XIX B-MRS Meeting + IUMRS ICEM student awards (B-MRS, ACS and RSC awards) to talk about the awarded works, briefly and in an uncomplicated way. See on B-MRS’s YouTube.
XX B-MRS Meeting
In response to requests from the community, the organizing committee of the XX B-MRS Meeting extended the deadline for submitting the symposium proposals.
The event will be held in Foz do Iguaçu from 25 to 29 September, 2022. The chairladies are professors Lucimara Stolz Roman (UFPR) and Marcela Mohallen Oliveira (UTFPR).
New deadline for submission of symposium proposals: November 15th.
Event website: https://www.sbpmat.org.br/20encontro/
– Open until December 31, the nominations for the Soft Matter Lectureship, an award promoted by journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry for researchers in the beginning of their careers with outstanding contributions in the field of soft matter. Know more.
– Sirius, the new Brazilian synchrotron light source, accepts proposals for commissioning experiments in several experimental stations. Know more.
News from B-MRS members
Prof. Mariana Amorim Fraga (Mackenzie) is the editor, together with other researchers from the United States and Turkey, of a book published by Elsevier on challenges for the efficient use of solar energy. Know more.
Reading tips
– In 2D materials, electrons can freeze into arrays called Wigner crystals, which were predicted 90 years ago. Now scientists have managed to make the first image of a Wigner crystal, using a graphene trap and a tunneling microscope (Nature). Know more.
– Based on biomaterial, new vaccine against Covid-19, which has been successfully tested in mice, “recruits” immune system cells in the injection area and generates adaptive immunity (Advanced Healthcare Materials). Know more.
– Video: Webinar by Prof Ado Jorio (UFMG) about the Brazilian nanoscope – the science, technology and innovation that were necessary to develop the instrument and carry out the experiments that featured a cover of Nature. Watch the video on YouTube channel of UC Materials Catalão, one of the University Chapters of B-MRS.
– 5th International Conference on Applied Surface Science. Palma, Mallorca (Spain). April 25 – 28, 2022. Site.
– 4th Workshop on Coated Tools & Multifunctional Thin Films. Campinas, SP (Brazil). 20 a 23 de julho de 2022. Site.
– XVIII International Small Angle Scattering Conference. Campinas, SP (Brazil). 11 a 16 setembro de 2022. Site.
– 11th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society (AMRS2022 ). Dakar (Senegal). 12 a 15 de dezembro de 2022. Site.
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Dr. Emerson Roberto Santos
Prezados Amigos da SBPmat.
Meu nome é Emerson, acabei de publicar um artigo na Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo intitulado: “Assembly of UV-Ozone Reactor to Combat of Coronavirus and Other Pathogenic Microorganisms”, referente à aplicação de raios ultravioletas e produção de gás ozônio, ambos utilizados no combate de: fungos, micróbios, bactérias e vírus e, principalmente, o Coronavírus. Talvez seja de grande importância à toda comunidade científica, divulgá-lo aqui no site, principalmente pelos resultados promissores que ele apresenta e, também, pela vasta fonte de referência.
Segue o link para baixá-lo gratuitamente: http://www.sbvacuo.org.br/rbav/index.php/rbav
Esta importante revista é gratuita, aceita artigos relacionados à tecnologia de diversas área (não somente vácuo) escritos tanto em português, quanto inglês.
Saudações a todos.