Post-doc in ceramics for dental prostheses with FAPESP fellowship.

Announcement of post-doctoral FAPESP fellowship opportunity linked to FAPESP Young Investigators Award phase 2 – grant # 2021/06730-7

The Cranium lab works with the synthesis of innovative polycrystalline ceramics and develops recycling pathways for zirconia block waste to create hydrothermally stable and resistant materials for restorative applications.

The postdoctoral researcher will work on the development of syntheses methods of multilayered polycrystalline ceramics, zirconia recycling, graded infiltration, and materials characterizations.


– Experience in: 1) polycrystalline ceramics syntheses, graded infiltration, and/or zirconia recycling; 2) Microstrucutral, optical, and mechanical property (static and fatigue) characterizations, fractographic and Weibull analyses.*

* The authorship in international publications (journals of selective editorial policy and high impact factor) will be the main criteria to prove experience in the field.

– Fluent english

– Full time dedication

– Doctorate degree obtained up to 7 years before project start


E-mail to Prof. Dr. Estevam A. Bonfante – until May 8, with Curriculum vitae (CV) attached.


This post-doc opportunity is open to candidates of all nationalities. CV analyses will focus on the candidate’s publication records. There may be an interview (personal or videocall).

The scholarship will be granted for 24 months (BRL 8,479.20 /month). A technical reserve, (15% of the annual scholarship) will be provided.


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