Article by the founding president of B-MRS, Prof. Guillermo Solórzano (PUC-Rio), gathers information on B-MRS annual meetings, from the 2002 Inaugural Meeting, which had 400 participants from 18 countries, to the XIX B-MRS Meeting, held in virtual format during the pandemic with more of 1,000 attendees. The article concludes that the B-MRS Meeting has become the main interdisciplinary event for research in Materials in Brazil. Know more.
Papers by the community
This perspective article, signed by a team from UNESP and USP, addresses recent advances in the encapsulation of bioherbicides using micro and nanoparticles. Key pieces in sustainable agriculture, bioherbicides are products based on microorganisms and their derivatives, used to inhibit the growth of weeds and, therefore, increase the productivity of crops. Despite their numerous benefits, many bioherbicides are susceptible to degradation by environmental factors, a fact that has encouraged the development of encapsulation techniques with the aim of extending the useful life of these compounds, as well as increasing their effectiveness by controlling the release of active ingredients. Learn more in the article at ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
Magnetic structures like skyrmions are essential components to develop the next-generation spintronic devices. In this work, researchers from USP, LNLS and UFPA, together with collaborators from Sweden, investigated the origins of skyrmion formation in a multilayer material. Using a combination of computer simulations and results from various experimental techniques, the authors showed that interfacial atomic intermixing is essential for the formation of skyrmions. The work opens perspectives in the development of materials for spintronics. Access the paper at Nano Letters.
In this article, USP researchers and collaborators report an important step in the development of biomaterials for bone regeneration. Using collagen and carrageenan (a polysaccharide extracted from seaweed), the authors produced structures that mimic the organic part of a natural bone matrix, properly fulfilling the function of promoting bone tissue mineralization. The work shows the potential of using these structures as organic matrices for bone implants and for studies on mineralization. Check out the paper in Biomacromolecules.
Electronic ceramics can be used to produce membranes capable of separating gases through the process of permeation (the penetration of gas molecules through the membrane). In this way, it is possible, for example, to separate carbon dioxide from other compounds in order to reduce the emissions of this greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. In this article, IPEN researchers present a system to assess the efficiency of these ceramic membranes. The system simultaneously evaluates the permeation of the material and its electrical properties. The work was awarded in June this year at the 67th Brazilian Congress of Ceramics. Go to the full article in Membranes.
Hydroxyapatite coatings are important on titanium implants because they improve their integration into the body and increase their useful life. Currently, plasma spray technique is the most used technique to coat commercial implants, but the equipment that is used in the process is expensive. In this article, a scientific team from UFRGS and UFN presents a low-cost method that could replace plasma spray. The technique is based on a simple brush painting. The coating obtained by the authors complies with all ISO standards for implant coatings. Access the paper at Ceramics International.
In this work, the authors used defect engineering (the controlled introduction of defects in the structure of a material) to modify the optical and surface properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) – a material of great technological and industrial interest. The team, made up of researchers from UFOP, UNIFAL and USP and collaborators from Spain and Finland, doped zinc oxide with different concentrations and atmospheres of manganese and cobalt (two transition metals) and studied their properties in detail. See the article in Acta Materialia.
If you are the author of an impactful article in the Materials area and wish to share it with our community, contact us.
B-MRS members Rubem L. Sommer (CBPF) and Ivan H. Bechtold (UFSC) are chairmen of two important international conferences that will be held for the first time in Latin America; respectively, the IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 2024) and the 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2024). Both events will take place in Rio de Janeiro next year and have support of B-MRS.
XXI B-MRS Meeting
Maceió (AL), October 1st to 5th, 2023
Short Program: it is available on the website. See here.
Poster printing. Participants who want to print their posters in Maceió can send the file to the company Conexão and pick up the printed poster at the event venue on October 2nd. Know more.
Plenary Lectures. This edition of the event will have 6 plenary lectures given by distinguished scientists from France, Germany, India, Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Memorial Lecture. At the opening of the event, the traditional Memorial Lecture Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro will be given by Prof. Gilberto Fernandes de Sá (UFPE).
Lectureship Award José Arana Varela. Prof. Fernando Lázaro Freire Junior (PUC-Rio) will receive this distinction from B-MRS and will deliver a plenary lecture at the event.
Symposia. The event comprises 24 thematic symposia covering design, synthesis, characterization, processing and applications of various materials, from traditional alloys to bio-based polymers. More than 100 researchers from 15 countries organize our symposia.
Venue. The venue for the event will be the Ruth Cardoso Cultural and Exhibition Center, in the city of Maceió. Know more.
Chairmen. The general coordinators of the event are Professors at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL): Carlos Jacinto da Silva, from the Institute of Physics, and Mario Roberto Meneghetti, from the Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology. |
– B-MRS supports the campaign of the Brazilian National Association of Graduate Students (ANPG) asking for social and pension rights for master’s and doctoral students. Sign the petition here.
– Materials Advances, open access journal of the RSC, launched a call for scientific articles by Latin American authors in the area of materials and devices for the energy transition. Submissions are open until November 15th. Know more.
– Special edition of Membranes (MDPI) about ceramic membranes and their application in gas permeation and capture: submission is open until January 2024. Know more.
– Research internship in Molecular Modeling at IBM Research for PhD students. Know more.
– WIN Rising Star Award in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for emerging leader aligned with WIN themes: smart and functional materials, connected devices, next-generation energy systems, therapeutics and theranostics. Registration until September 15th. Know more.
– Call for articles for the thematic collection on injectable hydrogels in the RSC Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science. Submissions by September 10th. Know more.
Upcoming events
– XXI B-MRS Meeting. Maceio (AL). October 1st to 5th, 2023. Website.
– 29 CSBMM e XVII CIASEM. Olinda (PE). November 7th to 10th, 2023. Website.
– III Simpósio Nacional de Nanobiotecnologia. Rio de Janeiro – RJ). November 8th to 10th, 2023. Website.
– XLIV Congresso Brasileiro de Aplicações de Vácuo na Indústria e na Ciência (CBrAVIC). Campos do Jordão (SP). November 25th to 29th, 2023. Website.
– 4th International Brazilian Conference on Tribology (TriboBR). Vitoria (ES). November 26th to 30th, 2023. Website.
– XLVI Congresso Internacional de Químicos Teóricos de Expressão Latina (Quitel 2023). Montevideo (Uruguay). November 26th to 30th, 2023. Website.
– IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2024). Rio de Janeiro – (RJ). May 5th to 10th, 2024. Website.
– 50th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2024). San Diego (USA). May 19th to 24th, 2024. Website.
– 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024). Rio de Janeiro – (RJ). July 21 to 26, 2024. Website.
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