PhD position in Next-Generation Solar Cells (in Barcelona, Spain).

We are looking for highly motivated PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers to carry out research work on Next-Generation Photovoltaics: Organic, Hybrid or Dye sensitized Solar Cells. The student/postdoc will develop new materials and fabricate complete solar cells with novel properties and high efficiencies. We also carry out long-term lifetime studies (indoor and outdoor analyses) to find new alternatives for highly stable Next-generation solar cells.

Background in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering or Materials Science are welcome.

If you are interested, contact:

Dr. Monica Lira-Cantu
Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy Group
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2-CSIC)
Barcelona, Spain E-08193

See or download flyer here.