B-MRS members are speakers at the opening of the International Year of Glass (UN).

zanotto e andreaTwo B-MRS members are part of the group of 30 speakers from different countries and sectors (industry, academia, media, museums, art) who will speak at the Opening Ceremony of the International Year of Glass (2022), established by the United Nations (UN).

Professor Edgar Zanotto (UFSCar), founding member of B-MRS, will give a lecture on glass education. Professor Andrea S. S. de Camargo (IFSC-USP), current Scientific Director of the Society,  will speak about glass science in Brazil.

The free event will take place on February 10 and 11 at the Palace of Nations (Geneva, Switzerland) and will be broadcast live at this link https://media.un.org/en/webtv/.

More information about the event: https://iyog2022oc.org/


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