Professor Luciana Reyes Pires Kassab (Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo / CEETEPS) and Professor Sidney José Lima Ribeiro (UNESP – Araraquara Campus), both B-MRS members, are co-authors of the book “Nanocomposites for Photonic and Electronic Applications”. Also participating in the edition was Professor Raúl Rangel-Rojo, from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico). The work of editing the book was motivated by an invitation from Elsevier.
Recently published by Elsevier, the book addresses the applications of nanocomposites in photonics, electronics, optics, biophotonics and renewable energies, as well as their properties and preparation and characterization techniques. More information about the book: https://www.elsevier.com/books/nanocomposites-for-photonics-and-electronics-applications/pires-kassab/978-0-12-818396-0