Professor Edgar D. Zanotto (DEMa – UFSCar) is highlighted in the report of the most downloaded and most cited articles in 2019 from the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (JNCS). The founding member of B-MRS is co-author of 3 of the 10 most downloaded articles in 2019, among more than 27,000 papers in the journal. In addition, 2 articles signed by Zanotto are among the 5 most cited articles in 2019.
Founded in 1968, JNCS is a prestigious Elsevier journal in the field of vitreous materials science.
More information: http://www.ppgcem.ufscar.br/pt-br/artigos-de-professores-e-alunos-do-ppgcem-em-destaque-no-journal-of-non-crystalline-solids