Professor Victor Carlos Pandolfelli (DEMa-UFSCar), a B-MRS member, received an award from TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, USA) as co-author of the work “Improving the reliability of fluidized bed calciners by suitable refractory lining selection,” presented in 2019 at this society’s annual meeting. The award, whose name is “Light Metals Subject Award – Alumina/Bauxite” is dedicated to research that highlights the application of science in solving practical problems. The award ceremony took place on February 24, 2020, during the 149th TMS Annual Meeting, which was held in San Diego, California (USA).
The award-winning work, coordinated by Pandolfelli, was carried out within a joint project between the company 4 Cast, specialized in ceramic materials for high temperature applications, and UFSCar. Mariana A. L. Braulio (4Cast), J. R. Cunha (Alcoa Alumar – Brazil) and D. Whiteman (Alcoa- Australia) also received the award as co-authors of the work.