End of Year message.

In the year 2021, the pandemic continued to dominate our lives, but the vaccines that science provided us in record time are playing their part. Little by little, we are leaving our virtual life, resuming face-to-face activities to incorporate this new reality.

Unfortunately, our event this year still had to be virtual. Despite that, it was possible to feel the presence of each one of you on the screen!! With each work presented, with each question asked by a student, we felt reassured that science is still well represented in our country! This gives us hope for the future – much-needed hope in the face of the enormous challenges that lie ahead.

Carl Sagan said that we have to know the past to understand the present. And past and present show us that education and science are the main basis for a future with decent living conditions and social well-being. We hope that in 2022 we will continue to fight together for these values, resisting the denialism that still tries to remain present in our society. And that we can finally share our experiences – and our science – in Foz de Iguaçu!

We wish you an excellent end of the year to all, observing all the necessary sanitary care.😊

B-MRS Executive Board


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