B-MRS Newsletter. Year 11, issue 1.



Year 11, issue 1. February 2nd, 2024.

B-MRS Governance


The new B-MRS Board of Directors, elected in October last year to serve a two-year term, took office on January 4th this year during an Ordinary General Assembly held online. On the occasion, six councilors also took up their positions, whose mandate on the Deliberative Council runs until the end of 2028. The members of the Board of Directors spoke about the initial focuses of the management: the success of the annual event, the reactivation of the University Chapters program, the creation of diversity and sustainability initiatives, and advocacy. Know more.

Papers by the community


Inspired by kirigami, a traditional Japanese art based on paper cutting, scientists have obtained different properties in some (nano)materials. In this work, researchers from Unicamp and UnB studied an important effect in 1 atom thick kirigamis obtained from graphene sheets. Using computer simulations, the authors measured the elastocaloric effect of these kirigamis (the thermal response they present to the application of stresses such as stretching). The effect can be used to produce cooling or heating (nano)machines. The team developed new simulation protocols that allowed the efficiency of these materials to be calculated for the first time. The results showed that, in graphene kirigami, the elastocaloric effect is much greater than in macroscopic kirigami. The article was highlighted on the cover of Nano Letters and can be accessed here.


Because they are thin, light, flexible and semi-transparent, organic solar cells promise to conquer markets. However, they still need to be improved, for example, to increase their durability. In this article, a team from UFPR and UFRJ makes a contribution to the development of a group of organic solar cells whose electron accepting layer is formed by non-fullerene compounds – a configuration that has been surpassing the others in efficiency. Using computer simulations, the authors replaced some elements in these molecules and, in this way, modulated their properties. Calculations showed an increase in the stability of these materials, which could extend the useful life of these promising solar cells. The article can be accessed here.

History of B-MRS


A text about the history of the B-MRS annual event, the B-MRS Meeting, was published in a book that addresses the role of institutions in the international history of Materials research. Written by the founding president of B-MRS, Guillermo Solórzano (PUC-Rio), the text is one of twenty chapters reporting the history of laboratories, scientific societies, journals, conferences and other institutions from different places on the planet. The book was edited by Robert P. Crease, professor in the Department of Philosophy at Stony Brook University and columnist for Physics World, and Arne Hessenbruch, an MIT professor who died a year ago. Access the book and read the copy of the text about the B-MRS Meetings which was published on our website with the permission of the editors.

XXII B-MRS Meeting
Santos (SP), September 29th to October 3rd, 2024

santos 24

Symposia. 29 thematic symposia were approved to make up the XXII B-MRS Meeting. This is a record in the history of the B-MRS annual event. The symposia cover the most diverse topics in Materials research. See the list of symposia.

Abstract submission for oral and poster presentation is open until April 8. See the guidelines for subissions and presentations.

Registration. The registration fees for the event are available for the different categories and conditions. See registration fees.

Exhibitors. 15 companies and startups have already confirmed their participation in our booth exhibition. Meet the exhibitors. Organizations interested in the exhibition and other forms of sponsorship can contact comercial@sbpmat.org.br.

Local. The event location is the Blue Med Convention Center in the city of Santos. More information about the city and the convention center.

Chairmen. The general coordinators of the event are Profa. Laura Oliveira Péres, from the Chemistry Department of the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) Prof. Lucas Fugikawa Santos, from the Physics Department of the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp).


– Special issue of the journal Coatings (MDPI) dedicated to optical films and coatings receives articles until March 30th. Guest editors are B-MRS members. Know more.

– Call for papers, reviews and perspectives for a Materials Advances (RSC) collection on advances in materials and devices for the energy transition, with a focus on Latin America. Guest editor is a member of the B-MRS Council. New submission deadline: March 31st. Know more.

To follow opportunities in the area, visit the B-MRS group on Linkedin.

Upcoming events

2nd School on Glasses and Glass-ceramics. São Carlos (SP). April 29 to May 4, 2024. Website.

IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ). May 5th to 10th, 2024. Website.

50th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2024). San Diego (USA). May 19 to 24, 2024. Website.

6th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS). Wuzhen (China). June 17-20, 2024. Website.

17th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 2024).Florianópolis (SC). July 1 to 5, 2024. Site.

29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024). Rio de Janeiro (RJ). July 21 to 26, 2024. Website

19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024). Erfurt (Germany). September 2nd to 5th, 2024. Website.

XXII B-MRS Meeting. Santos (SP). September 29 to October 3, 2024. Website.

VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (CIPOA). Florianópolis (SC). October 7th to 11th, 2024. Website.


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