B-MRS Newsletter: Year 11, issue 10



Year 11, issue 10. December 4, 2024.

Papers and books by the community


Traditionally, the main thermodynamic factors behind sintering are considered to be the curvature of the “neck” that forms between two particles (responsible for eliminating porosity) and the difference in grain size (responsible for grain growth). Now, a theoretical study conducted by a Poli-USP researcher brings a new perspective to understanding how sintering occurs. The work highlights that the difference in energy between the surface and grain boundaries is the most important factor in eliminating porosity during sintering. Go to the paper.


In the semi-arid region of the state of Paraiba, a scientific team from UFPB and UFRN found a raw material to produce nanoparticles that can be used to obtain hydrogen. The researchers used extracts from the plant Ipomoea asarifolia, popularly known as “salsa brava”, as stabilizing agents in the synthesis of nickel nanoparticles. In the experiments, the material demonstrated excellent performance as a catalyst for the electrochemical reactions that split the water molecule, generating hydrogen. Go to the paper.


A scientific team from the State University of Maringá has developed a new material that helps regenerate skin and bones. Composed of the polymer PMMA, gelatin and zinc-modified hydroxyapatite, the composite was used to manufacture small scaffolds that are essential for promoting the natural repair of damaged tissues. In addition to stimulating rapid cell proliferation, the new scaffolds showed antibacterial action in in vitro tests. In the future, the material could help patients recover more quickly and safely from conditions such as chronic skin wounds and bone fractures. Go to the paper.


A book in Portuguese about the physical properties of materials was recently released by the publisher Blucher. Undergraduate and graduate students of courses on materials and related subjects will benefit directly from reading this work. Written by Prof. Sérgio Camargo (UFRJ), a B-MRS member, the book shows the relationship between the properties of various materials and concepts of Physics, and provides examples of applications in everyday technologies. The author, who holds degrees in Physics from PUC-Rio in his undergraduate, master’s and PhD, has extensive experience in the area of ​​materials engineering. Learn more.

Salvador (BA), September 28 to October 2, 2025


Symposia. The list of 22 thematic symposia approved by the 2025 event committee is now available on the event website. See the list.

Plenary lectures. The names of the renowned scientists who will deliver the seven plenary lectures of the event have already been confirmed. See here.

Venue. The event will be held at the Salvador Convention Center, in the capital of Bahia state. Learn more.

Chairs. Luiza Amim Mercante (UFBA) and Daniel Souza Corrêa (Embrapa Instrumentação) are the chairs of the event.

Exhibitors. 9 companies and startups have already confirmed their participation in our booth exhibition. See here. Organizations interested in the exhibition and other forms of sponsorship can contact comercial@sbpmat.org.br.


– The submission of scientific articles is now open for a special issue on functional materials for a sustainable world in the journal Sustainable Chemistry One World (Elsevier). The issue has Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos (UFPB), a B-MRS member, as guest editor. There is no cost for publication. Submissions are open until August 31, 2025. Learn more.

– Special issue on materials for energy conversion and storage of the Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications (Elsevier) is accepting papers and review articles. Guest editors are members of the Brazilian materials community. Submissions are open until December 24. Learn more.

– The call for papers for a special issue on titanium-based alloys, from processing to applications, with a focus on biomedical devices, is open until March 31, 2025. The three guest editors of this issue of the Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications are B-MRS members (Pedro Nascente, Carlos Grandini and Conrado Afonso). Learn more.

Upcoming events

– 21st International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2025). Naples (Italy). June 23 to 27, 2025. Site.

– XXIII B-MRS Meeting. Salvador (BA). September 28 to October 2, 2025. Site.


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