XIX B-MRS Meeting + IUMRS ICEM 2021 – message from the chair.

may 11_siteDear Colleague,

We know that, after a year without the B-MRS annual meeting, our community is particularly eager to meet again around high quality science. That is why our organizing team has been working hard to ensure an interactive and fruitful virtual event this year.

In the joint event XIX B-MRS Meeting + IURMS ICEM, from August 30 to September 3, we will offer you all the possibilities to exchange information, network and chat with colleagues, lecturers and exhibitors, in a multidisciplinar and international environment.

This year, our meeting comprises 7 plenary lectures by leading scientists from around the world and more than twenty thematic symposia with invited, oral and poster sessions covering fields ranging from Biomaterials to Electronic Structure Calculations.

The meeting also features a virtual exhibition of products and services for the materials research community. And, of course, we will enjoy virtually our traditional Memorial Lecture in the opening session and, at the end of the event, the exciting Student Awards Ceremony, where more than 50 prizes and awards will be given.

Abstract submission is open until April 25th May 11th. Submit your abstract, invite your collaborators. Join us for the largest conference in the area of Materials Science in Latin America.

Kind regards,

Prof Gustavo Dalpian (Conference Chair)


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