Video: participantes e organizadores do XIV Encontro da SBPMat dividiram conosco suas impressões sobre o evento.

Rodrigo Martins (Portugal, E-MRS immediate past president and IUMRS officer). He highlights the talent of the chairs to bring the right persons to discuss the most advanced topics in materials science and technology. He says this is the best meeting ever organized in Brazil.

Marco Cremona and Fernando Lázaro Freire Junior (Brazil, meeting chairs). They emphasize the broad spectrum of material science topics that was covered in the plenary lectures. They highlight the big number of students in the event and the active scientific discussion of the poster sessions. Besides, they compare the total attendance of this year´s meeting (2,000 people) with the first edition of the event (300 participants), also held in Rio de Janeiro in 2002.

Ahmet Hikmet Ucisik (Turkey, researcher at Atilim University). In Brazil for the 4th time, being the first one in 2007, he has noticed progresses of the country in materials science and engineering and the enthusiasm of young people.

Beth Mayes and Susan Curtis (USA and UK, Institute of Physics – IOP). They feature the way that the poster sessions were designed and the good attendance of the sessions.

Daniel Bahro (Germany, KIT), winner of Horiba and Bernhard Gross prizes. Electrical engineer. PhD student. Attending a conference for the first time. He presented his research results on organic tandem solar cells and won the prize for the best oral presentation of the meeting. So many young and enthusiastic people in the SBPMat meeting impressed him.

Victor R. Jauja Cana (Peru, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería), Bernhard Gross prize winner. He has just finished a graduation course in Chemistry. He searched on the web for a conference to attend to present his development of an electrochemical sensor, decided to come to the SBPMat meeting, got financial support, had an oral presentation and, eventually, won a Bernhard Gross prize.

Lucas Pintol Nishikawa (Brazil, USP), recipient of a Bernhard Gross prize.He is starting a master course in Materials Engineering. In the SBPMat Meeting, his first conference, he won a prize for the oral presentation of a research work on heat treatment in steels. He expresses his surprise over the size and internationality of the SBPMat meeting.

And the last words, with Prof. Roberto Mendonça Faria (Brazil, SBPMat president), who says he was very happy to see, in the event, SBPMat growing and young people participating. He also stresses the high quality of several works he saw.

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