We are looking for highly motivated PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers to carry out research work on Next-Generation Photovoltaics: Organic, Hybrid or Dye sensitized Solar Cells. The student/postdoc will develop new materials and fabricate complete solar cells with novel properties and high efficiencies. We also carry out long-term lifetime studies (indoor and outdoor analyses) to find new alternatives for highly stable Next-generation solar cells.
Background in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering or Materials Science are welcome.
If you are interested, contact:
Dr. Monica Lira-Cantu
Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy Group
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2-CSIC)
Barcelona, Spain E-08193
E-mail: monica.lira@cin2.es
www.icn.cat www.nanostructuredmaterials.org
See or download flyer here.
Andressa Bortoti
I am a PhD student and have an interest in working with photovoltaic devices. Working with hybrid materials consisting of polyaniline and lamellar solids. Would you like to partner.
Thank you for your attentionand hopefully touch!
Renan A. P. Ribeiro
Dear Dr. Monica
My name is Renan A. P. Ribeiro am graduate in Chemistry and a graduate student in the same area with a focus on theoretical and experimental study of various electronics components such as BaTiO3, PbTiO3, ZnO, TiO2, and many others that are included in your interest.
I am available for contacts and potential partnerships.
Anderson Lima
Prezado Renan,
Meu nome é Anderson, estou fazendo um doutorado sanduiche com a Dr. Mônica, sua resposta veio pra mim, encaminhei pra ela e ela me perguntou pelo seu email.
Me manda teu email, ou manda um email pra ela em mlira@cin2.es
Até breve,
Anderson Lima