The Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS) and the Organizing Committee of the XII Brazilian MRS meeting invite the worldwide community of materials research to attend the 2013 Meeting. This traditional forum will be dedicated to recent advances and perspectives in materials science and technology.

Know the conference venue!

Campos do Jordão Convention Center
Av. Macedo Soares, 499
Campos do Jordão – SP-Cep.12460-000
Tel: (12) 3663-5143 / 3663-5144

The Brazilian Humboldt Club invites all interested to participate in the Humboldt Kolleg 2013, a satellite event from the SBPMat Meeting. The event aims at congregating “Humboldtians” from the most diverse areas and to divulge programs for those seeking for opportunities to undertake scientific research in Germany.
(Read more and Register)

Humboldt meeting

Search for Abstract

Program Book

Deadline early registration: August, 12

Tips to get at Campos do Jordão using bus
Taxi (Cab) Stations

Online registration closed.
Registration now only will be done in the event site.

Make your registration


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Head Office: Rua Barão de Ipanema, 56/301 - Copacabana
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 22.050-032
Phone: + 55 21 3265-8882
Direct line: + 55 21 3265-8868
Fax: + 55 21 3265-8880


To be an exhibitor or sponsor please contact Mirella Oller (Metallum) and spread your brand and products for the entire community of materials science.

ZEISS US Bio solutions UNION Solartron Analytical SHIMADZU ReoTerm - Instrumentos Científicos Quantum Design Princeton Applied Research PANalytical MTS micromeritics M&M Vácuo LABCONTROL JEOL Instrutécnica Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies INSIGHT Interprise HORIBA HEIDELBERG FORTELAB Fraunhofer IAP FLEX SOLAR Edwards EMIC EDG Equipamentos Dafratec CAMECA BRUKER Anacom Cientifica AVACO Agilent Technologies arotec altmann