VII Encontro da SBPMat
English Version

  SBPMat - Brazil - MRS
Área de AutoresVII ExpomatContatoInscrição

- Descrições dos simpósios
- General Timetable
- Horário das apresentações orais e de posters



The EUDEVLAS workshop will follow the Symposium J "Applications of lasers in materials processing", and will be held on 1st October, 2008. The aim of this workshop is to find common interests between the European Union and Developing Countries in the field of laser technology and ideally to initiate new joint projects.
If you want to participate, please contact Annika Klein ( or Milton Lima ( Participation will be free of charge.


EUDEVLAS-Workshop advanced program

Date: 01.09.2008

Venue: Casa Grande Spa and Resort Hotel, Guarujá, SP, Brazil (Room: Tapuia)


10:30-11:00                Introduction

    • What is EUDEVLAS?
    • What are the objectives of this workshop?
    • Funding possibilities

11:00h-12:30              Presentation of all partners – max. 10 minutes per partner

    • Own activities
    • Capabilities
    • Funding possibilities in the respective countries
    • Short discussion

12:30-14:30                Lunch break

14:30-16:00                Open discussions in different working groups

    • Find common interests
    • Develop project ideas

16:00-16:30                Final outcome


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