
Early bird (Aug 12th) Regular (Sep 13th) Later and on-site
B-MRS member - annual fee already paid B-MRS member – anual fee will be paid with registration** Non-member B-MRS member - annual fee already paid B-MRS member – anual fee will be paid with registration** Non-member B-MRS member - annual fee already paid B-MRS member – anual fee will be paid with registration** Non-member
Professional R$ 700,00 R$ 1000,00 R$ 1100,00 R$ 800,00 R$ 1100,00 R$ 1250,00 R$ 900,00 R$ 1200,00 R$ 1350,00
Graduate student R$ 370,00 R$ 550,00 R$ 630,00 R$ 420,00 R$ 600,00 R$ 680,00 R$ 480,00 R$ 660,00 R$ 740,00
Undergraduate student* R$ 200,00 R$ 300,00 R$ 350,00 R$ 250,00 R$ 350,00 R$ 400,00 R$ 300,00 R$ 400,00 R$ 450,00
Accompanying person*** R$ 350,00 R$ 500,00 R$ 550,00
Early bird (Aug 12th) Regular (Sep 13th) Later and on-site
Professional R$ 1100,00 R$ 1250,00 R$ 1350,00
Graduate student R$ 630,00 R$ 680,00 R$ 740,00
Undergraduate student* R$ 350,00 R$ 400,00 R$ 450,00
Accompanying person*** R$ 350,00 R$ 450,00 R$ 550,00
Early bird (Aug 12th) Regular (Sep 13th) Later and on-site
Professional USD 400.00 USD 480.00 USD 550.00
Graduate student USD 150.00 USD 200.00 USD 250.00
Undergraduate student* USD 100.00 USD 150.00 USD 200.00
Accompanying person*** USD 150.00 USD 175.00 USD 200.00
The amount will be converted to the Brazilian currency (Real) according to the USD exchange rate at the time of invoice generation at the end of registration.

B-MRS follows international standards, in which 'post-doc' is considered as a professional.

* The registration fee paid by undergraduate students is also valid for high school students.

** By paying your 2024 B-MRS membership annual fee you automatically get the discount on the event registration and you strengthen our Society to continue doing high quality events and programs. The payment of the 2024 B-MRS annuity does not commit you to paying past or future fees.

*** Accompanying person: This category allows participants to bring along spouses, family members or friends to Opening Ceremony, Poster Session and Tradeshow and is linked to a participant registration in the undergraduate, graduate or professional category. And it is not entitled to a certificate and cannot present work at the event.

1) Cancellation policy
Requests until August 15th, will receive 70% refund. The cancellation can be made directly in the conference website. Refunds will be paid until 60 days after the conference.

After August 15th, no refunds allowed. However, the registration fee may be transferred to another attendee. The no-show at the conference does not imply the automatic cancellation of the registration.

2) Data for payment via deposit or commitment note, click here to see.
(WARNING: will only be accepted deposits identified with CPF or CNPJ)

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