VII Encontro da SBPMat
English Version

  SBPMat - Brazil - MRS
Įrea de AutoresVII ExpomatContatoInscrição

- Outlines of symposia
- General Timetable
- Timetable of oral and poster presentations

(16) 3371-7698


Symposium K: Microanalysis


Microanalysis is concerned with the elemental or phase identification and quantification of micrometric regions of materials. This meeting focuses on theoretical and experimental procedures related to the techniques SEM/EDS/WDS,TEM/EDS/EELS, PIXE/EDS, SEM/EBSP.

Quantitative microanalysis is an important tool for the characterization of metals, ceramics and minerals. The equipment used for quantification (MEV, EPMA, PIXE e MET) can also be used for image acquisition in modes such as secondary electron imaging, backscattering electron imaging and X-ray maps.
Compositional analysis converts the number of measured photons to elemental concentration. This transformation requires the knowledge of several physical parameters, including stopping power of electrons or ions, X-ray absorption in matter, secondary fluorescence, ionization cross section for different electronic levels, etc. Also, experimental parameters and sample conditions must be taken into account.
Software and methodologies developed for determination of concentrations of elements or phases in materials from the experimental data will be discussed in this symposium. Quantification techniques based on matrix correction and image analysis will be included (optical or electronic images).
The adequate application of these techniques for analytical problems in Physics, Engineering, Geology and Industry will require knowledge of the fundamental physical parameters for a precise data analysis.


1. Data treatment in microanalysis EDS/(TEM and SEM) for quantification of elements;
2. Determination of fundamental parameters in microanalysis with X-rays and ions (cross section ionization, transition probabilities, line assymetry, escape peaks etc);
3. Applications of microanalysis;
4. Phase quantification using optical and electronic images (BEI/EBSP);
5. Characterization of electronic structure with emission lines originating from transitions in the valence band;

Invited Speakers

Ruth . Hinrichs (UFRGS)
Jorge . Trincavelli (UNC)
Breno Leite (Thermo Fisher)












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