XXII B-MRS Meeting
Application form
Dear researchers of the materials science community,
It is our pleasure to announce that the call for thematic symposia, as part of the program of the XXII Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS) Meeting, is open. The Meeting will take place at the Blue Med Convention Center in Santos, São Paulo State, from September 29th to October 3rd 2024.
Proposals should be submitted by researchers with a PhD degree until November 27th, 2023, using the form available here.
The program committee of the XXII B-MRS Meeting will evaluate the proposals. The preliminary list with the approved symposia will be available on December 11th, 2023.
Each symposium will receive four (4) waivers for the registration fee. Furthermore, for every 100 submitted abstracts, the symposium will receive one (1) additional waiver.
Importantly, we recommend a turnover of at least two of the co-organizers of the previous edition of the symposium, if applicable. A diversified international group of four (4) co-organizers, with gender equality, is considered as the best choice. Inclusion of interdisciplinary research and industrial involvement is highly encouraged for the symposia. Also, we recommend caution with excessive invitations for keynote speakers, so that contributed oral presentations are available for members of our community in the program. Likewise, balance in gender and geography of the invited speakers is strongly encouraged.
Your participation is extremely valuable for the success of the next B-MRS meeting.
Best regards,
Laura Péres (UNIFESP) and Lucas Fugikawa (UNESP)
2024 B-MRS Meeting chairs
The proposal symposium submission was closed. Deadline: